ATTN JMS: Strange "Rising Stars" Promo

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 28 04:46:58 EST 1999

From: s-orso at (orso steven n)
Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:36:55 -0700
Lines: 25


     After checking for "Rising Stars" #3 at my local retail outlet and
being told it was not yet available, I paid a visit to the Top Cow website
to see if a production delay had been announced.  To the contrary, it was
still listed in conventional fashion in the "Coming Soon" section for 
11/15-11/19/99.  What is more, the same section had a conventional listing
for "Rising Stars" #4, announcing it for 12/20-12/24/99.

     On the other hand, the listing announcing "Rising Stars" #5 for 
January 2000 was decidedly different:

     The unknown issue! Tempers reach an all time high as deadline
     crunches weigh heavy on the shoulders of all! Atist, inker and
     colorist are still unknown but JMS will still deliver one heck of
     a story. Soon to be lengthened into a 900 page novel, grab
     yours today. Peace!

What's *that* all about?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Nov 1999 21:32:53 -0700
Lines: 26

>   On the other hand, the listing announcing "Rising Stars" #5 for 
>January 2000 was decidedly different:
>   The unknown issue! Tempers reach an all time high as deadline
>     crunches weigh heavy on the shoulders of all! Atist, inker and
>     colorist are still unknown but JMS will still deliver one heck of
>     a story. Soon to be lengthened into a 900 page novel, grab
>     yours today. Peace!
>What's *that* all about?

I've no idea, since the script for #5 was turned in *ages* ago.  In general,
the scripts have stayed 3 issues ahead of the publishing schedule.  And even
before it was turned in, I provided TC with a synopsis of the story for use in


(jmsatb5 at
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