ATTN: JMS (or anyone else who might know) first 3 stations?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 24 04:32:05 EDT 1999

From: "Jose Sobrino" <jfsobr at>
Date: 23 Oct 1999 10:27:29 -0600
Lines: 11

I was reading through the forums in the FirstOnes message boards a while ago
and there has been some discussion about what the first 3 Babylon stations
looked like and what colors they were. I was wondering if any images were
ever made of what the first three were supposed to look like or what they
looked like up to the point were they were destroyed, or were they never
rendered at all since except for B1 In the Begining they never appeared in
the show as far as I can remember. Also is there any reason why each station
had a different color?

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 Oct 1999 18:15:19 -0600
Lines: 16

>I was reading through the forums in the FirstOnes message boards a while ago
>and there has been some discussion about what the first 3 Babylon stations
>looked like and what colors they were

They went in spectrum order, from red, a coule of interim colors I can't
remember, to green, to blue.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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