JMS: Why TV?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 28 04:29:44 EDT 1999

From: jbonetati at (JBONETATI)
Date: 27 Oct 1999 16:47:32 -0600
Lines: 19

<<May I ask how you really feel about the 'journalist as recorder/observer, not
participant' question?

<<I think that jms has already answered that one with the two different
"And Now For A Word: and "The Illusion Of Truth.">>

Good points, Mark and it readilly illustrates that JMS will depict whichever
side is necessary to the story with integrity.  But the way his characters
portray a viewpoint isn't necessarily the opinion of the author.

The reason I asked is that there's an ethical dilemma in "We Killed Them in the
Ratings" that I think is a thorny problem for any journalist in any media. 


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Oct 1999 18:27:08 -0600
Lines: 33

>The reason I asked is that there's an ethical dilemma in "We Killed Them in
>Ratings" that I think is a thorny problem for any journalist in any media.

Exactly, which is why I chose to examine that particular question in the story;
I like questions that don't have particularly easy or facile answers.  And this
is one of them.

There isn't any hard and fast rule.  For instance: in recent years there were
two particular cases of self-immolation here in the US, both as protest but
also both were just a little bit not right in the head. one case, the reporter saw what was happening, and rolled film,
made no attempt to intervene.  He was pilloried for his inaction and
inhumanity.  In the other case, the other reporter saw what was happening,
grabbed a coat, and rushed to put the fire out...and was pilloried for getting
personally involved with the story instead of staying the "objective outsider,"
which in truth does not exist because the only way to be TRULY objective is to
not have any prior beliefs, convictions or experiences that would color one's

I don't think there is a right answer or perspective on the question...which
makes it fun to explore as a writer.


(jmsatb5 at
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