Attn JMS: What's Next?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 26 04:39:57 EDT 1999

From: kenney at (Kevin Kenney)
Date: 23 Oct 1999 10:30:40 -0600
Lines: 10

Rising Stars is going smoothly, albiet a bit slow, and your new show is 
waiting for someone to latch onto it.  This makes me think you have some 
time on your hands (finally) - which being a workaholic, you're filling 
with something that hopefully you want to do.  A novel, perhaps?  What 
would you like to do next, if the show takes awhile to take off?

Hope you're having fun,

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Oct 1999 00:16:29 -0600
Lines: 38

>Rising Stars is going smoothly, albiet a bit slow, and your new show is 
>waiting for someone to latch onto it.  This makes me think you have some 
>time on your hands (finally) - which being a workaholic, you're filling 
>with something that hopefully you want to do.  A novel, perhaps?  What 
>would you like to do next, if the show takes awhile to take off?

I've been about as busy since Crusade as during it.  In addition to the comic
(which is going great guns, but the schedule is a bit off, about which I've had
some talks with the good folks at Top Cow), and the series project which is
currently in rather serious development mode....

There's the TV movie script I recently finished for CBS...the adaptation of CM
Kornbluth's "The Marching Morons" for NPR's Beyond 2000 radio series...I
finished a novel outline now being sold in NY...I have a feature film in
development that's now in script stage...I knocked down two of the B5 stories
in Amazing Stories Magazine (with one coming out this month and another due
from me in December)... the ongoing column in B5 the next little
bit I should finally conclude a deal for an original computer game I've
designed (have both a developer and a publisher who want to do it)...the bulk
of the original B5 novel outlines were written after Crusade was
completed...and there's been a bunch of other stuff.

But the main thing that's consumed my time has been the series development,
which has just recently begun to show signs of maybe some good news coming,
though I can't say anything more about it at this point.

Suffice to say, though, it's been kinda hectic around here for the last few


(jmsatb5 at
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