JMS: Apologies in advance... a TNT Question

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Oct 30 04:37:02 EDT 1999

From: "Mac Breck" <macbreck at>
Date: 29 Oct 1999 07:34:42 -0600
Lines: 40

Then, since hindsight is 20/20, it appears you should have sold Crusade to
TNT as being as B5-like as possible.  Ties to the known commodity could only
have helped here (e.g. B5 actors guest appearing on Crusade often).  The TNT
execs in Atlanta would have had no reason to meddle, the TNT execs in LA
would have left you alone or helped, the fan-base would have grown, and we
would probably still have Crusade.

Mac - Remember, Star Trek was sold as a western/wagon train to space.

Jms at B5 <jmsatb5 at> wrote in message
news:19991029061702.01165.00000003 at
> >My question:  what the hell happened?  How did TNT change so much in
> >regards to B5/Crusade?  From what little I know, it seemed that the
> >execs thought since it was a new series they could change it (unlike the
> >already established B5), but what happened?!
> Simple answer: TNT Atlanta had never gotten involved before.  Also, B5 was
> known commodity, it was never a question of getting input on the direction
> the show, we just kept doing what we'd been doing.  Crusade was a new
show, and
> people who didn't understand SF wanted a hand in determining the direction
> the series.
>  jms
> (jmsatb5 at
> B5 Official Fan Club at:

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Oct 1999 18:30:02 -0600
Lines: 19

>Then, since hindsight is 20/20, it appears you should have sold Crusade to
>TNT as being as B5-like as possible.  Ties to the known commodity could only
>have helped here (e.g. B5 actors guest appearing on Crusade often). 

Except at first TNT said they wanted NO connection to B5, or as little as
possible, because they wanted it to be THEIR show...then, after they began to
realize that the connection made sense (well into the writing process, I might
add), they said no, no, it's OKAY to have B5 stuff going on...which is why
Lochley is gone for so long.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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