JMS: Apologies in advance... a TNT Question

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Oct 30 04:32:00 EDT 1999

From: Derek Beebe <MrLight2 at>
Date: 28 Oct 1999 23:02:43 -0600
Lines: 25

I must say I am perplexed by this TNT problem.  I remember back in Fall
'97 when B5 was disapeering off the airwaves at the end of the Fourth
Season... and I read the news and your posts about how wonderful it was
that TNT was saving B5 from cancellation, and I remember reading your
post about the "In the Beginning" ratings being higher than expected and
how happy TNT was, you said how a few TNT execs really stuck their neck
out for the show and god bless 'em.

I never heard any TNT horror stories throughout Season Five (except for
the marginal fact that TNT wanted Claudia for all 22 eps but hey that's
reasonable), and it seemed like you had the run of the series.  Then I
hear TNT has bought Crusade for a full season, and might even buy it for
all 5 years up front.  Wow!  TNT is so wonderful!

THEN... we get to Crusade production.  At first I hear after 5 eps
production was halted... for new money and new sets.  Wow, how nice of
TNT to do this!  Then I start hearing about rumors of cancellation, and
over the ensuing the months the crap begins to fly.

My question:  what the hell happened?  How did TNT change so much in
regards to B5/Crusade?  From what little I know, it seemed that the
execs thought since it was a new series they could change it (unlike the
already established B5), but what happened?!

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Oct 1999 04:17:47 -0600
Lines: 20

>My question:  what the hell happened?  How did TNT change so much in
>regards to B5/Crusade?  From what little I know, it seemed that the
>execs thought since it was a new series they could change it (unlike the
>already established B5), but what happened?!

Simple answer: TNT Atlanta had never gotten involved before.  Also, B5 was a
known commodity, it was never a question of getting input on the direction of
the show, we just kept doing what we'd been doing.  Crusade was a new show, and
people who didn't understand SF wanted a hand in determining the direction of
the series.  


(jmsatb5 at
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