rising stars #5 out 2/16

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Tue Feb 15 04:22:10 EST 2000

From: The Nuclear Marine <nuke-marine at home.com>
Date: 14 Feb 2000 20:19:22 -0700
Lines: 42

Jms at B5 wrote:
> >Is this the way you've structured most of the story: each chapter having
> >more punch and being better than the preceeding one?  Thus each one will
> >be the best of the bunch when published?  Or are there to be peaks and
> >troughs? (I realize any particula issue might span the range, generally
> >from low to high...)
> There are always peaks and valleys; the first bunch of Rising Star issues were
> really establishing the rules and who some of the characters are; the fact that
> the murders are going on, the possible motive, and introducing a bunch of
> suspects.
> Now all that pipe has been laid, and I can start to really move the arc of the
> story forward, do more in present-tense than in flashback.  That's kind of
> where the fun really kicks in.
>  jms
Reminds me of how The Watchmen went through its  cycle.  It would be a
total kick in the teeth (after reading the murderer's comments to the
comatose) that the RS's murderer(s?) will ultimately be accepted as a
much needed evil for the the world.  

Of course Watchmen lacks the social fears now that was needed for its
punch but RS seems to have that speculative feel to it that will fit in
any society's psych.

So jms, are you taking the stand on RS as you did with B5?  IOW, it is
not a mystery to be solved but a story which involves elements slowly
laid out in plain site only obvious to most at the end?  I remember a
Usenet statement on your feelings of fans trying to solve the B5 mystery
(read arc) before the whole tale was told.


The egg came first.

nuke-marine at home.com

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Feb 2000 22:20:06 -0700
Lines: 23

>So jms, are you taking the stand on RS as you did with B5?  IOW, it is
>not a mystery to be solved but a story which involves elements slowly
>laid out in plain site only obvious to most at the end?  I remember a
>Usenet statement on your feelings of fans trying to solve the B5 mystery
>(read arc) before the whole tale was told.

Basically, yes, in the sense that I don't think you can sustain a mystery of
this sort over 24 issues.  That's suicide.  It's about much more than that,
which people will begin to figure out soon enough.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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