ATTN JMS: Wolf 359 Conventions Limited

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Feb 25 04:27:13 EST 2000

From: Paul Harper <paul at>
Date: 24 Feb 2000 07:16:27 -0700
Lines: 95

On 24 Feb 2000 06:12:10 -0700, Iain Rae <iainr at> wrote:

>Paul can answer this better than I can so followups set to umtsb5, as I 
>understand it, and I'm probably wrong, anyone wishing to trade as a business
>in the uk, particularly a limited company has to lodge their financial
>accounts with companies house i assume as a protection against fraud etc. 
>NB from their website:
>You Fail to Comply With Your Legal Obligation 
>The absence of legally required information prevents the business community 
>from making properly informed commercial decisions and denies everyone the 
>protection they are entitled to by law when dealing with a limited company
>If you fail to comply with your legal obligations it may lead the Registrar 
>to believe that the company is no longer in business or operation. This could
>result in the company being dissolved. 
>   In addition, company directors may: 
>       be prosecuted;
>       end up with a criminal record; and
>       be fined up to 5,000(ukp) for each and every offence. 
>I would guess that companies house may be the people to contact if anyone
>had any queries about....say accounts referring to charitable donations etc.
>Though you may have had to have been contractually linked with the company.
>NB I am a SysyAdmin/retread Astronomer, not a lawyer or accountant.


Since I am *far* from an expert in UK company law, I have just sent
the following email to companies house asking for some clarification.
I hope they don't mind me asking what must be fairly basic questions
(it would be expected that if we were interested in stuff like this
that we'd hire a lawyer / accountant) but here's hoping...



There has been some speculation on the internet concerning the ongoing
viability of Wolf 359 Conventions Limited (company no. 03198158) which
has been in default in posting its financial statements since November

Since nobody on the forum in question is an expert in UK company law,
I would very much appreciate it if you could clarify a few points for

1) In the case of a company like this which has defaulted on its
accounts for a significant period of time, what is the process from
this point? Is there an automatic legal procedure that gets triggered,
or does someone have to make a complaint before action is taken?

2) Where accounts have not been submitted, to what extent are the
directors personally liable for amounts paid to the company in advance
of goods or services being supplied?

3) Does the company secretary (as listed in the companies house
register) have the same financial and legal responsibilities as the

4) If someone has a suspicion that money collected in the name of
charity has been used for other purposes, what should the procedure be
to get this investigated?

5) If an official of a company has been spending the company money on
trips abroad that might be considered in excess of those strictly
required for company business, is there a personal tax position for
the company official?

Finally, I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer these

Best regards,

Paul Harper

p.s. I have posted this message onto the forum, and would like your
permission to post your response to it as well. If you would prefer I
did not do this, please feel free to let me know.

End quote.

A .sig is all well and good, but it's no substitute for a personality

"                       . . . SFX is a fairly useless publication on just
about every imaginable front.  Never have so many jumped-up fanboys done so
little, with so much, for so long."    JMS.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 Feb 2000 18:27:14 -0700
Lines: 72

No, I have no problem with this continuing to be mentioned here, as long as the
moderators are okay with it, since it does refer to a B5 related situation, and
it mainly a fact-finding situation that relates to many folks in the group who
might be affected by it. So yeah, keep me in formed, thanks.


>Since I am *far* from an expert in UK company law, I have just sent
>the following email to companies house asking for some clarification.
>I hope they don't mind me asking what must be fairly basic questions
>(it would be expected that if we were interested in stuff like this
>that we'd hire a lawyer / accountant) but here's hoping...
>There has been some speculation on the internet concerning the ongoing
>viability of Wolf 359 Conventions Limited (company no. 03198158) which
>has been in default in posting its financial statements since November
>Since nobody on the forum in question is an expert in UK company law,
>I would very much appreciate it if you could clarify a few points for
>1) In the case of a company like this which has defaulted on its
>accounts for a significant period of time, what is the process from
>this point? Is there an automatic legal procedure that gets triggered,
>or does someone have to make a complaint before action is taken?
>2) Where accounts have not been submitted, to what extent are the
>directors personally liable for amounts paid to the company in advance
>of goods or services being supplied?
>3) Does the company secretary (as listed in the companies house
>register) have the same financial and legal responsibilities as the
>4) If someone has a suspicion that money collected in the name of
>charity has been used for other purposes, what should the procedure be
>to get this investigated?
>5) If an official of a company has been spending the company money on
>trips abroad that might be considered in excess of those strictly
>required for company business, is there a personal tax position for
>the company official?
>Finally, I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer these
>Best regards,
>Paul Harper
>p.s. I have posted this message onto the forum, and would like your
>permission to post your response to it as well. If you would prefer I
>did not do this, please feel free to let me know.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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