ATTN JMS: Question about producing

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jan 22 04:21:59 EST 2000

From: RMcCaslin <rmccasli at>
Date: 19 Jan 2000 21:56:39 -0700
Lines: 15

What about producing a show on your own terms. Can it be done, or does
"hollywood" look down upon that? I am asking this question because I am
working on a movie currently that is being solely banked by some of the
actors and the crew. So far, we are still "in production" though the film is
done in its entirety, but showing no signs of being able to be shown to the
general public.

This is a question that has been sitting around my thoughts for some time
now, and with the conversation on "net" has lead me to ask this.

Thanks for you time,
Diane McCaslin

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 21 Jan 2000 02:32:02 -0700
Lines: 18

>What about producing a show on your own terms. Can it be done, or does
>"hollywood" look down upon that?

Define "on your own terms"


(jmsatb5 at
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