Attn JMS: Nice Job On "Rolling Thunder"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jul 20 04:38:47 EDT 2000

From: "David S." <elvenbane at>
Date: 19 Jul 2000 13:17:14 -0600
Lines: 13

So far my wife and I really enjoy City of Dreams. I really enjoyed both
stories, although I felt "Rolling Thunder" was the better of the two. The
plot of "The Damned are Playing at Godzilla's Tonight" was kinda given away
in the blurb, but it was still very entertaining. "Rolling Thunder" was
quite a twist from what I expected from the blurb. I found the story to be
very moving. Hopefully, I can look forward to more great episodes.

btw, when is Rising Stars #9 expected out?

David Stepnowski

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 19 Jul 2000 15:02:24 -0600
Lines: 26

>"Rolling Thunder" was
>quite a twist from what I expected from the blurb. I found the story to be
>very moving. Hopefully, I can look forward to more great episodes.

Thanks, it's a very moving episode, and one I wrote kinda fiercely.  The next
two up are mainly fun episodes, one partially for humor, the other kinda

The next 4 after that are the experimental episodes, where I'm going to try and
do different things with the form.  It's really hard, because you have to turn
your head upside down, but the first one should be quite entertaining, in a
weird, scary kind of way.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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