attn: JMS - deep and searching questions

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jun 14 04:33:02 EDT 2000

From: "Clark N. Hobbie" <cnh at>
Date: 13 Jun 2000 21:01:44 -0600
Lines: 32 least they are to me:

* What does Kosh mean by the phrase "I have always been here?"

* Are the Shadows & Vorlons obsessed like Larry Niven's Protectors?

In the book "Protector" by Larry Niven, the Protectors are an example of a
highly intelligent race that is driven to perform acts of outrageous stupidity
--- the race has never known peace and ultimately destroys their own homeworld
because of their uncompromising goals.  Are the Shadows & Vorlons similar to the
Protectors in that both races are extremely advanced and intelligent, but driven
to do stupid things (the whole shadow war) because they are unable to let go?

* How did you (JMS) keep going in the face of all the doubt and uncertainty that
was B5?  

To say the least, B5 was a fairly "wild ride" in the sense that during the whole
time you had the show on the brink of being canceled, etc.  How did you maintain
a positive outlook (assuming you had one) during the whole thing?  How did you
get yourself to keep going in the face of these obstacles?

* A while back, someone asked you "What do you want?"  One of your less humorous
replies was "To tell the story" where I am assuming "the story" was B5.  Now
that you have completed this, do you have another goal?  What do you want at
this point in your life?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 Jun 2000 22:43:12 -0600
Lines: 45

>* How did you (JMS) keep going in the face of all the doubt and uncertainty
>was B5?  

Pure, naked, unbridled, ornery,  stubbornness.

>How did you maintain
>a positive outlook (assuming you had one) during the whole thing?  How did
>get yourself to keep going in the face of these obstacles?

I'm of Eastern European extraction.  The term "positive outlook" is foreign to
that mentality.  We know only tenacity.

"So, Herr Hitler, you want to invade Stalingrad in winter, yes?  By all means,
make yourself comfortable...."

>* A while back, someone asked you "What do you want?"  One of your less
>replies was "To tell the story" where I am assuming "the story" was B5.  Now
>that you have completed this, do you have another goal?  What do you want at
>this point in your life?

To tell the next story.  And the one after that.  Whether that's a TV show, or
a book, or a comic, or a's all the same to me, as long as I get to
tell my stories the way I see them in my head.

In TV, I figure I've got another few years left in me before I just can't
handle it anymore, so I'd kinda like to do one more show, maybe two depending
on what does or doesn't last...and then get out.  I'm 45 now, so that would put
me at about 50, a good age to go for a quieter lifestyle.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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