ATTN JMS: Thank you

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Mar 13 04:29:33 EST 2000

From: cmstocks at
Date: 12 Mar 2000 14:21:53 -0700
Lines: 30

Hi, I would like to thank you for Babylon 5.  I wish more people would be
able to see it.  Just last Friday I was talking about how there is
nothing on TV anymore (at a good time) that make the viewer think.  I
would like to know what was the thinking behind WB renewing TNT's
contract to show Babylon 5?  You may not know, it sounds like your pretty
much 'out of the loop' concerning what is done with this wonderful piece
of TV.  What can we as fans do to keep Del Ray interested in continuing
the Babylon 5 story?  Also, last Friday after letting out most of my
grief about how stupid TV's gotten, I picked up issue 5 of 'Rising
Stars.'  I must say that at first I didn't get it, but after rereading it
several times I understood it, and ordered all the back issues.  I have
to confess this story was the way I first 'got hooked on B5.'  Thanks
again for your story telling, and please keep us informed on what we can
do to keep Babylon 5 going.

				Nathan Stockwell

" was a dawn of a new age for all of us.  It was the end of one
chapter and the beginning of another . . . because what is built endures,
and what is loved endures, and Babylon 5 . . . Babylon 5 endures." 

						- Delenn.  End of 'Rising Star'

P.S.  Coincidence or what?
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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Mar 2000 15:29:07 -0700
Lines: 30

>  I
>would like to know what was the thinking behind WB renewing TNT's
>contract to show Babylon 5? 

They didn't, TNT had a multiple year contract going in.

>I picked up issue 5 of 'Rising
>Stars.'  I must say that at first I didn't get it, but after rereading it
>several times I understood it, and ordered all the back issues.  I have
>to confess this story was the way I first 'got hooked on B5.'

Thanks.  5 takes some work on the last page to get what's going on, but it's
worth the effort.  

Six should be out either this coming week or the week thereafter.  Things start
moving awfully fast now.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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