Lyta's Fate and does Lando have children?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun May 21 04:25:07 EDT 2000

From: swcomic5 at (SWCOMIC5)
Date: 20 May 2000 17:22:57 -0600
Lines: 6

     Do we ever find out what happened to Lyta?  I had thought she died during
the telepath war but in the second Centari book G'Kar says he is still spending
time with her.  Also I just read that Lando has 7 children.  I did not think he
had any as we never heard about them and when he became emperor they did not
show up.  I read this in the trivia section on the Babylon 5 site.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 May 2000 21:59:16 -0600
Lines: 20

>Do we ever find out what happened to Lyta?  I had thought she died during
>the telepath war but in the second Centari book G'Kar says he is still
>time with her.  

That's an error that slipped past me in the reading/editorial process.


(jmsatb5 at
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(all message content (c) 2000 by
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