ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 10 04:54:36 EST 2000

From: gkarfan at (Tammy Smith)
Date: 9 Nov 2000 09:15:36 -0700
Lines: 18

Brian Stinson said:

Seems a lot of Democrats are too dumb to figure out how to fill out a
ballot. =A0 I know it's tough with the arrows pointing to the proper
hole and all.

My reply:

A lot of people don't have a lot of time to vote (my sister voted before
she went to work, for example), so that type of ballot would throw them
off if they didn't have enough time to really look at it.  I think the
ballot in Florida is a joke--I had a punch-hole one at my polling-site
in the San Diego area, but all the candidates were on one side.  Much
easier to follow if you are pressed for time.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 9 Nov 2000 21:34:39 -0700
Lines: 32

>Seems a lot of Democrats are too dumb to figure out how to fill out a
>ballot.  I know it's tough with the arrows pointing to the proper
>hole and all.

Except of course that:

1) Most of the people in that area are older retired citizens, who need a
little help...

2) The order (Bush, Buchanan, Gore) in order on the ballot is not in keeping
with state law...

3) That 19,000 votes in this county were tossed out this year, and 15,000 in
1996, means it must be a hell of a lot more misleading than it seems....


4) Even stupid people get to vote, and can raise a concern if the vote is
cockeyed or disenfranchising.  Heck, stupid people even get to run for
president in this country...


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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