ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 10 05:39:42 EST 2000

From: "Mac Breck" <macbreck at>
Date: 9 Nov 2000 12:50:13 -0700
Lines: 55

The same could be said to you Joe.  Your Emperor has no clothes, just
Chinese campaign contributions.  Oh that's right.  He didn't *know* he was
at a fundraiser.  It was all just an innocent, unfortunate misunderstanding.
Al hasn't been involved with enough fundraisers to be able to recognize one
when he's in the middle of it.

Get real, Joe.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jms at B5" <jmsatb5 at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

> >On the other hand, we can always be led by the guy who invented the
> >Internet and lied about Bush's tax-cut plan and is for gun control and
> >married to the woman who invented the V-chip (for real this time) and
> >Parental Advisory labels. Yes. Bush is obviously the worst candidate
> >in this election.
> Get real...this is the worst you can do in opposition to Bush, who lied to
> press about any prior arrests, changed his driver's license number to make
> harder to track such arrests (and was arrested at least once or twice more
> vandalism and rotten behavior), got his daddy to put him in the National
> to avoid the draft and went AWOL for 90% of that, never bothering to show
> for his tenure there, and may now be at the center of the biggest and most
> blatant attempt in decades to steal an election through fraud and
> Yeah, much better choice.
>  jms
> (jmsatb5 at
> (all message content (c) 2000 by
> synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
> to reprint specifically denied to
> SFX Magazine)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 9 Nov 2000 22:08:05 -0700
Lines: 23

>The same could be said to you Joe.  Your Emperor has no clothes, just
>Chinese campaign contributions.

I'd say there is a PROFOUND difference between a fundraiser (and there are
weirdass fundraisers on BOTH sides of the political aisle...let's start digging
into the massive contributions from the far right evangelicals whose
contributions are contrary to the church/state separation and violate their tax
free status)...and an attempt to subvert the entire electoral process through
vote fraud.

The two are galaxies apart in importance.


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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