ATTN JMS: Your wife's reaction? (repost)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jan 17 04:45:56 EST 2001

From: Yavar <bobafett at>
Date: 16 Jan 2001 17:06:34 -0700
Lines: 30

JMS, you may have already replied to this, but I've been having
newsreader and internet connection problems lately, so I've missed all
of the messages for the past week or so.  If he has already answered my
question, could someone please sum up his reply to save him the trouble?

Here's what I asked:

A while back, when I first started posting to this group, I asked you a
question:  Since your wife is credited with writing one of the best (if
not THE best) Babylon 5 book, and it is popular with the fans, would she

be at all willing to write another one?

You said that you would pass the idea on to her.  So, what's the
verdict?  Does she not want to write another one (TDitCoS must have been

VERY stressful with all the threads it tied up), is she willing to write

one, but not right now, or does she already have a manuscript tucked
under the mattress?


P.S.  What is your opinion of your wife's book?  Do you think it's the
best?  The only real contenders I know of are the Psi Corps Trilogy and
the Centauri Prime trilogy (The Shadow Within was good, but not

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Jan 2001 21:13:32 -0700
Lines: 16

I think she'd be open to the possibility.

As for the best of the bunch, I'd have to say it's probably the technomage
trilogy, or what I've seen of it so far.


(jmsatb5 at
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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