[B5JMS] ASM #32

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Sat Jun 9 04:24:05 EDT 2001

From: in_valens_name at hotmail.com (sat)
Date: 8 Jun 2001 17:55:20 -0700
Lines: 27

Jeff <jagrass at facstaff.wisc.edu> wrote in message news:<3B20CC1F.970D2BDE at facstaff.wisc.edu>...
> I don't know if anyone else has seen the a preview of ASM #32.  I was
> very entertained after reading the first four pages of it this morning.
> Spidy's dialog was hillarious. Also, nice touch on page 4, hanging the
> bad-guy over the word 'looser'. Can't wait to read the rest of it next
> week.

FYI, I think the preview that's mentioned can be found at

I'm kinda surprised I'm enjoying the series.  I've never been a big
Spider-Man fan (I prefered the imagination and escapism of Lee's &
Ditko's Dr. Strange; Peter Parker was too close to home for me).  The
nice balance between some story resolution per issue and the kind of
mysterious big evolving arc we've become used to from B5 is involving.

But what's really hookinging me is what's actually missing.  The
Parker teen angst & S-M goofy flippancy.  Peter is written with a
maturity and passion of personality that I find refreshing.

scott tilson.
"Sequential Art" column at  http://www.sfsite.com/scott01.htm     
June: _Give Me Liberty_, _Preacher: Gone to Texas_, & George R.R.
Martin's favourites.

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Jun 2001 20:27:46 -0700
Lines: 18

>But what's really hookinging me is what's actually missing.  The
>Parker teen angst & S-M goofy flippancy.  Peter is written with a
>maturity and passion of personality that I find refreshing.

Thanks.  I'm trying to write him as a real guy, someone you'd want to hang out
with.  This issue takes it all one step further.

(It hits comcs stands the middle of next week, for anyone looking on.)

(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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