[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: Spidey 32

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Sat Jun 16 04:23:13 EDT 2001

From: wrwhite963 at aol.com (WRWhite963)
Date: 15 Jun 2001 22:41:15 GMT
Lines: 26

Great issue, Joe.  I loved how you *really* got into setting up the twist in
the mythology - with ramifications for more than just Spidey.

Do I detect a particularly Staczynskian smile on Ezekial when Peter asks him,
"You *enjoy* doing this, don't you?"

Geesh, Joe.  I'm gonna start taking you for granted if you keep writing this
consistently well, in every medium you cast your words.

I also picked up Fiona's "No Honor" #4.  Not bad, but over the course of four
issues perhaps needing pacing.  There was a lot crammed into the last issue.

Now I'm eagerly awaiting Rising Stars....  that's coming up next week or two,
isn't it?

Regards, as always.  And looking forward again to "Legend of the Rangers"... 
I'm also hoping it reenergises  interest in *someone* actually completing a
B5-related game....  Do you know if the filmed B5-related materials revert to
WB, from Sierra (or perhaps already have?)

Thanks again, Great Maker.
    Walter R. White

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Jun 2001 05:48:38 GMT
Lines: 18

>Great issue, Joe.  I loved how you *really* got into setting up the twist in
>the mythology - with ramifications for more than just Spidey.

It really is kind of a different way of having the characters themselves
reacting to the way things have laid out in the Marvel universe.  Opensup all
kinds of possibilities, and has the effect of uniting something like thirty
years of Spidey villains under one metaphorical umbrella.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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