[B5JMS] ATTN Jms: I recognized your handwriting in murder she wrote

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Aug 14 04:23:56 EDT 2002

From: "Joseph DeMartino" <jdemarti at bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 13:05:07 -0400
Lines: 32

> And I knew you did a few murder she wrote episodes, or is this the
only one? <

That wasn't one at all, being a TV movie that was produced in 2000,
after the series had wrapped. <g>

He not only wrote for the show, he was a co-producer credit for the 8th
season.  The Internet Movie Database does not list the individual
episodes he wrote, but as the producer (and I *think*, at one time,
story editor) he would have *re-written* many of the freelance scripts
to one degree or another, which is common practice in the industry, but
without taking screen-credit, which is not. <g>  I checked a couple of
fan sites, but their information is spotty at best.  Only one of them
bothered to include the writing credits.  (This one:
http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-77 )

It lists two episodes each for the eighth and ninth season as being
written by JMS, as well as the TV movie.  Amusingly a credit in an
episode he *didn't* write caught my eye - another writer had named a
character "Liz Sheridan" <g>



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 Aug 2002 20:33:59 GMT
Lines: 36

>He not only wrote for the show, he was a co-producer credit for the 8th
>season.  The Internet Movie Database does not list the individual
>episodes he wrote, 

>It lists two episodes each for the eighth and ninth season as being
>written by JMS, as well as the TV movie. 

Just for the record, since this comes up from time to time and I've never
listed them all in one place, I think...the episodes of M,SW that I wrote are:

Night Fears
Lines of Excellence
The Committee
Incident in Lot 7
To the End Will I Grapple With Thee

The Wind Around the Tower
Final Curtain
(I titled it that because it was to be my last M,SW script since I had to leave
mid-season to do B5.)

And the TV movie "A Story to Die For which was produced after the series itself
was finished.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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