[B5JMS] Attn JMS: Com-Con panel followup

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Aug 14 04:28:02 EDT 2002

From: "coondawg" <cpc2 at nospamattbisux.com>
Lines: 45
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 23:23:47 GMT

and i think it's been stated recently that mj and peter being married will
be dropped too, so as not to confuse the movie customer pickups.

"M.O.R" <predator at esatclear.ie> wrote in message
news:aj9c8i$i67$1 at dorito.esatclear.ie...
> Hi
> Not wanting to insult or anything, but that whole baby May thing has been
> laid to rest, and was pretty much forgotten about by later writers, and
> years has not been addressed, almost as if it never happened.  Most felt
> a bad idea that MJ got pregnant in the first place.
> <kjhiller at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:ulgaqjto851i16 at corp.supernews.com...
> > If you're currently reading this newsgroup...
> >
> > Someone at the panel you did with JRJR in San Diego on Friday asked a
> > question about "Baby May".  From your response (and John's), neither of
> > you had any idea who this question was referring to.  (The answer is,
> > Peter and Mary Jane's baby, who was apparently stolen soon after being
> > born but is believed to be dead.)
> >
> > This ties back to a question that I was going to ask at the panel but
> > didn't have time for:  I understand that you're not interested in going
> > back and drawing elements from old continuity (especially the lackluster
> > continuity from recent years).  However, I'd think that certain elements
> > -- like the death of a child -- should be part of the writer's
> > If someone else were writing the future adventures of Sheridan and
> > the writer should at least know that that a son, no?
> >
> > So my question was:  How much of Spider-Man's continuity are you
> > with?  You're a big comics fan -- how much of his history have you read?
> > And is anyone at Marvel doing anything to get you up to speed on
> > continuity that you may have missed?
> >

Lines: 17
From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 Aug 2002 20:50:53 GMT

>and i think it's been stated recently that mj and peter being married will
>be dropped too, so as not to confuse the movie customer pickups.

Nope.  Marvel never stated it to me, and I've certainly never stated it to

Definitely not true.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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