[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: Nightwatch/Home Guard in America?

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Aug 21 04:25:01 EDT 2002

From: mvp at web1.calweb.com (Mike Van Pelt)
Date: 19 Aug 2002 12:14:06 -0700
Lines: 42

In article <aFS79.46687$EJ4.1527436 at news4.srv.hcvlny.cv.net>,
Gary Seven  <gary7seven at earthlink.net> wrote:
>What was Clinton? A Liar, a phony, a scam artist, a philanderer, AND *a
>I don't like a lot of what's going on either, but we were ATTACKED,
>brutally --and I'm waiting for the day when I'll see you criticize a
>liberal Democrat, especially one that happens to be in power.

You'll be waiting a very long time.  JMS seems to be quite rigidly
partisan - In his world, Democrats are always paragons of virtue
and common sense, Republicans are always stupid, evil, and insane.

I don't recall a shred of criticism of Clinton's bombing of
Yugoslavia.  I don't recall any qualms about the Constitution when
Clinton's HUD secretary Cisneros was threatening people here in
California with fines and imprisonment for circulating a petition.
I don't recall him having any problems with the arrest of the man
who asked an "unapproved" question at one of Clinton's "Town Hall"
meetings, or the woman who yelled "You suck!" at him while he was
jogging.  I'm sure that had a Republican taken any of these
actions, we would have been informed that Adolf Hitler had just
been reincarnated.

The only nice word I have seen from JMS about any Republican was
when he was campaigning for McCain in the primary.  I posted then
that I thought this was because he expected McCain to be easier
to beat in November, and asked for his word of honor that, if
McCain were to win the primary, he would still be campaigning for
him and vote for him in November.  For whatever reason, he didn't

(He may also have at one time said something nice about Jeffords,
but, of course, Jeffords doesn't count.)

Have you noticed that,  when we were young, we were told  | Mike Van Pelt
that  "everybody else is doing it"  was a  really stupid  | mvp at calweb.com
reason to do something, but now it's the standard reason  | KE6BVH
for picking a particular software package? -- Barry Gehm

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 Aug 2002 00:27:46 GMT
Lines: 53

>You'll be waiting a very long time.  JMS seems to be quite rigidly
>partisan - In his world, Democrats are always paragons of virtue
>and common sense, Republicans are always stupid, evil, and insane.

Please show me where I said this.  Which should be difficult, since I never

Clinton screwed an intern.  This was a serious moral lapse that shamed the
office.  But it really has no effect on the way the country is run; Whitewater,
after eight years of searching and millions of dollars, turned out to be
nothing but hot air.

Bush is screwing the *country*.and that's a very different thing.

>The only nice word I have seen from JMS about any Republican was
>when he was campaigning for McCain in the primary.  I posted then
>that I thought this was because he expected McCain to be easier
>to beat in November, and asked for his word of honor that, if
>McCain were to win the primary, he would still be campaigning for
>him and vote for him in November.  For whatever reason, he didn't

Never saw the message to reply to it.

I contributed to the McCain campaign, in a fairly large amount.  I would've
been happy with him or Gore in the white house.  Both are men of strong
convictions and intellect who have dedicated their lives to public service.

Bush ran two businesses into the ground and was only rescued by friends of the
family and others who bailed him out in order to get close to the Bush family,
didn't even bother to show up for most of his national guard service, and has
the least amount of prior government work of any candidate in history, and that
is painfully evident with every passing day.

If the race were McCain against Gore, I honestly don't know who I would've
voted for.  If I were prescient, and could see 9/11 coming, I probably would've
voted for McCain.

Meanwhile, please do not put words or intentions in my mouth to which I do not
subscribe; I get in enough trouble with what I *do* say, I don't need help in
that area by adding things I didn't say.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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