[B5JMS] LOL at JMS' comments on ASM #36

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Feb 21 04:42:10 EST 2002

Lines: 13
From: viper220ny at aol.comakazi (Brian Jacks)
Date: 06 Jan 2002 23:29:32 GMT

>From: "Snowlock" Snowlockhatespam at worldnet.att.net 

>No, no no.  Missed it again.  9-11 was real life.  The heroes of 9-11 were
>more heroic than any ever found in a comic book.  The VILLIANS of 9-11 were
>more villianous than any found in a comic book. 

And you don't find #36's pie-in-the-sky outlook ludicrous and corny?  This
falsehood that the entire world wept for 9/11 serves no one.  Good people
around the world continued to be good.  And bad people continued to be bad. 
Nothing changed, regardless of whether we got a half-hearted and entirely
symbolic "we feel for you" card from Libya.


Lines: 45
From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 06 Jan 2002 23:54:50 GMT

>And you don't find #36's pie-in-the-sky outlook ludicrous and corny? 

I don't think most people did.  Certainly not, as an example, the fireman with
one of the rescue teams who read the book and, according to the letter he sent,
passed it along to all the surviving members of his fire station, who were
moved to tears by it, and found some peace because of it.

But if you feel that way, that's fine.

>falsehood that the entire world wept for 9/11 serves no one. 

This was never said in the book, therefore it cannot be a falsehood.

>Good people
>around the world continued to be good. 

The book never said otherwise.

>And bad people continued to be bad. 

The book never said otherwise.

>Nothing changed, regardless of whether we got a half-hearted and entirely
>symbolic "we feel for you" card from Libya.

The book never said otherwise.

May I suggest that if you're going to give the book a hard time, you confine
yourself to what it actually *said* rather than any straw man arguments you
prop up for a quick and easy attack?

I mean, it takes up a lot of time to explain all the things I do say and do; if
I have to start explaining all the things I don't say and do, well, we'll be
here all year....


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
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