[B5JMS] JMS commentary and Paypal donation??

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Jul 17 04:24:06 EDT 2002

From: dg411 at freenet.carleton.ca (Andre Lieven)
Date: 16 Jul 2002 14:19:27 GMT
Lines: 62

Matthew Vincent (warlock at es.co.nz) writes:
> jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5) wrote: 
>>I've made it a point never to directly connect the financial 
>>dots between me and B5 viewers, I have 'way too much respect 
>>for them and I won't see them exploited for *any* reason, and 
>>this is an example of why.

That is a wonderfully commendable position. Thank you. 
> Thanks. Even though I'm not in a position to help financially, let it
> be known that I'm not at all happy with WB's exploitation of your work
> and basically stealing your profits.

>>...if anyone wants to make a donation in my name to the local 
>>charity of your choice (if I can opt for a preference it should 
>>be a women's shelter), that's the best way to handle it.

In the light of actual knowledge of this topic, I would ask, why
a women's shelter ? Are we not aware that DV is a 50/50 matter,
where for every battered woman, there a battered man out there ? 
Why no concern for the need for places of safety for men ?

The information about this is easily available, and I could offer
up a reading list. It is worth noting that the woman who wrote
the very first book on DV, Erin PIzzey, of the UK, and who also
opened the first women's DV shelter, has been for many years
speaking out on DV being just as much of a problem for assualted
men as assaulted women.

For her troubles, she got... death htreats from women. The
irony in that is palpable.
> Yeah, I figured this would be best since any amount we could
> reasonably raise would be trivial in comparison to your losses. The
> local women's refuge was exactly the charity I had in mind, too. After
> I collected for them last year, they sent me a card to say thank you.

Thats nice. Do you share any of that altruism and concern for
men who also have such needs ?

> So, I'll see if I can get a card from them to send to you as thanks
> for the donation and for your work.

Shamless plug: We discuss such matters over on soc.men. For anyone
who visits, we do have some folks who try to disrupt the group
( Its not moderated ) so, the s/n ratio isn't quite what is here.

But, there is a lot of good information on this, and other related 
topics there, and if anyone wants links to sites with such information,
they have but to ask and post. 


" I'm a man... But, I can change... If I have to... I guess. "
                                    The Man Prayer, Red Green.

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 17 Jul 2002 00:49:37 GMT
Lines: 22

>In the light of actual knowledge of this topic, I would ask, why
>a women's shelter ? Are we not aware that DV is a 50/50 matter,
>where for every battered woman, there a battered man out there ? 
>Why no concern for the need for places of safety for men ?

Because someone asked what I personally would prefer.  I answered.  You don't
have to abide by that, it's just my preference having seen too much of this
stuff.  If I'd seen a lot of the other side, I might have said otherwise...but
I haven't.  All the DV I've seen has been against women, and that's where my
emotions take me, and my answer.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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