[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: Are you a millionaire ?

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Jul 17 04:24:14 EDT 2002

From: "Travers Naran" <tnaran at direct.ca>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 03:51:15 GMT
Lines: 28

Jms at B5 <jmsatb5 at aol.com> wrote:
>>A side thought.  Jeremiah is being made in Canada.  At what point does
>>JMS have to start paying Canadian Income Tax?

> I was able to get a waiver on LoTR because it was a short-term engagement, but
> on Jeremiah I've been paying Canadian taxes (as well as American taxes) since
> day one.

> Even so, my Canadian tax burden is still far less than the average Canadian has
> to shell out every year, percentage-wise.  Though I'm still somewhat of a
> newcomer, my feeling is that, frankly, the Canadian people are getting hosed. 
> I understand the dilemma of having a very large country and a very small
> population that has to support that infrastructure, but even so they're just
> getting hammered out of all proportion and reasonableness.

Don't forget we have more of a more generous social infrastructure, but
nowhere near enough big profitable corporations to support it.  Still,
we like to think at least we're better off than the Finnish. :-)

Travers Naran                            | Visit the SFTV Science Blunders
F/T Programmer,P/T Meddler In Time&Space | Hall of Infamy!
New Westminster, British Columbia,       |
  Canada, Earth, Milky Way, etc.         | <www.geocities.com/naran500/>
"Stand Back! I'm a programmer!"          | ** UPDATED  9-Apr-2002 **

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 17 Jul 2002 05:12:05 GMT
Lines: 30

>Don't forget we have more of a more generous social infrastructure, but
>nowhere near enough big profitable corporations to support it.  Still,
>we like to think at least we're better off than the Finnish. :-)

Yeah, in theory it's a generous social infrastructure, but it don't work. 
Between lower paying salaries and a tax burden that leads a lot of
professionals in various areas like medicine to go to the US, you've got a
brain drain and a resources sink that kills a lot of that infrastructure. 
(Which is why I spent 6 hours in the emergency room of Vancouver General
Hospital, before being taken into the actual work room, and another 2 hours
before getting worked on by a doctor, the day I dislocated my right ring
finger...there was only ONE emergency room doctor on duty on a Saturday night.)

It costs less, but there's less OF it, and it's not terribly efficient, and
doesn't give your average Canadian the value for his/her money.

Maybe I'm a bit more vocal about this than I should be, as an American (and
knowing how much we've contributed to the problem) but goddamn, you guys are
getting taken to the cleaners up there.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2002 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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