[B5JMS] Digest change and help file

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Wed Mar 20 01:36:21 EST 2002


After receiving several requests from readers who receive digests and 
readers who would like to receive digest, the admin have changed the B5JMS 
digest in the following way: 

  Digests will now be sent EITHER when the size of the digest reaches 40k OR 
  once a day, whichever comes first, but not both.

What this means is that any day that there are posts, a digest will be sent 
out.  If there are enough posts that 40k is reached before the normal mail 
time of the digest, it will be sent early for that day and any additional 
posts will be added to the digest to be sent the next day. 

We believe this best serves the readers who use the digest option in 
providing posts which are not only compiled, but also timely.

Below, please find a help file.  It was written by one of the Admin as a 
general information file for the readers and is intended to give some basic 
instructions in manipulating your list subscription.  If you would like to 
change to (or from) digest mode or change your address, this file gives you 
step by step instructions on how to do so.  It is, of course, not required 
reading, and you may feel free to delete or save it at will. 

Any questions or comments should be addressed to the admin:
	b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu

Do not reply directly to this mail, as it may not get to us.


Thank you for reading the B5JMS list.  Below is the help file for the list.

The following URL is the initial location of the text boxes to which the
instructions refer:


You will need to start on that page in order to follow the directions


* To Subscribe

* To Receive a Password Reminder

* To Unsubscribe

* To Change your Email Address

* To Change your Password

* To Change your Mailing List Options

* Other Information


* To Subscribe

  1.  Find the section titled "Subscribing to B5JMS."  Type in the email
      which you wish to have receive posts in the 'Your email address" box.  

  2. Once you have entered your email, read the information about your
     privacy password carefully.  Note that the password will not always
     be secure, so do not use a password which is important in other
     locations!  It is all right if you forget your password, since you
     can get a reminder if you need it later.

  3. Choose a password, and enter it into both the "Pick a password:" and
     the "Reenter password to confirm:" boxes.

  4. Decide if you want to receive the list in digest form or not.  Digest
     means that you will receive one mail from the list either when the size
     of all the collected posts reaches 40k or once a day, whichever comes
     first.  If you would like to receive the posts in digest mode, click
     the "Yes" radio button.

  5. Click the subscribe button.

  6. Check your email.  There will be a confirmation request in your email
     box.  Follow the directions carefully to confirm that you wish to
     subscribe.  This is done so that nobody can put your address on a
     list you do not wish to be on.

  7. You will shortly receive your "Welcome to the"B5JMS" mailing list"
     email.  This will be your confirmation that you are now subscribed.


* To Receive a Password Reminder

  1. Find the section titled "B5JMS Subscribers" at the bottom of the page
     Type in the email at which you receive posts in the box next to the
     "Edit Options" button.

  2. Click the "Edit Options" button.

  3. Find the section titled "Your B5JMS Password" on the new page (the
     Personal Options page).

  4. On the left side, click on the button called "Email My Password To Me."

  5. To return to the Personal Options page, click on the "edit your
     personal options" link.  Whenever you click on this link, you may
     skip instructions 1 and 2 of each section below.


* To Unsubscribe

  1. Find the section titled "B5JMS Subscribers" at the bottom of the page
     Type in the email at which you receive posts in the box next to the
     "Edit Options" button.

  2. Click the "Edit Options" button.

  3. Find the section titled "Unsubscribing from B5JMS" on the top left
     of the page.

  4. Type in your password where it says "Password:".

  5. Click on the "Unsubscribe" button.  You will be moved to a page
     confirming that you have unsubscribed.

  6. Watch your email for additional confirmation that you have
     unsubscribed.  You will not be asked to return an email to complete
     the request because you will have entered your password.


* To Change your Email Address

  1. Find the section titled "B5JMS Subscribers" at the bottom of the page
     Type in the email at which you receive posts in the box next to the
     "Edit Options" button.

  2.  Click the "Edit Options" button.

  3.  Unsubscribe your old address as instructed in "To Unsubscribe" above.

  4.  Return to the main B5JMS page URL.

  5.  Subscribe your new email address by following the instructions in
     "To Subscribe" above.

NOTE: You may do the subscription first if you want.  Simply do the steps
      in the other order - it does not matter how you do it.


* To Change your Password

  1. Find the section titled "B5JMS Subscribers" at the bottom of the page
     Type in the email at which you receive posts in the box next to the
     "Edit Options" button.

  2. Click the "Edit Options" button.

  3. Find the section titled "Your B5JMS Password" on the new page (the
     Personal Options page).

  4. Find the "Change your Password" sub-section on the right.

  5. Type in your current password in the "Old Password:" box.

  6. Type in the password you want in the "New Password:" box.

  7. Type in the password you want again in the "Again to Confirm:" box.

  8. Click on the "Change My Password" button.  You will NOT receive an
     email confirmation! The page will change to demonstrate that the
     update has been received.

  9. To return to the Personal Options page, click on the "edit your
     personal options" link.  


* To Change your Mailing List Options

  1. Find the section titled "B5JMS Subscribers" at the bottom of the page
     Type in the email at which you receive posts in the box next to the
     "Edit Options" button.

  2. Click the "Edit Options" button.

  3. Find the section titled "Your B5JMS Subscription Options."  Note that
     the values which apply to you have a black dot in the radio button

     + Disable Mail Delivery (Off/On): If you do not want to receive mail
       but also do not want to unsubscribe, click "On." Default is "Off."

     + Set Digest Mode (Off/On): If you would like to receive mails in
       Digest form, click "On." Default is "Off." Digest means that you will
       receive one mail from the list either when the size of all the
       collected posts reaches 40k or once a day, whichever comes first.

     + Get MIME or Plain Text Digests? (MIME/Plain Text).  MIME is a way
       of collecting the digests so that each post is an attachment.  Plain
       Text means that the posts will be sent as one mail (not attachments)
       in the order in which they were received.  Plain Text is generally
       considered safer.  Default is "Plain Text."

     + Receive posts you send to the list
     + Receive acknowledgment mail when you send mail to the list?
     + Conceal yourself from subscriber list?

      None of these options are relevant for the B5JMS list.  In the
      first case, you will receive copies any mail you send to the list.
      In the second case, you will receive an acknowledgment when the list
      receives mail sent by you.  Since B5JMS does not accept incoming
      posts (it is outgoing ONLY), these two options are not useful.

      The third option sets your address "invisible" to anyone EXCEPT ADMIN
      who may look at the list of subscribers.  Since B5JMS is set up so
      that ONLY Admin can look at the subscriber list, this does not affect
      B5JMS users.

  4. Once you have made changes to your options, type in your password in
     the "Password:" box.  You will not receive an email confirmation.

  5. To return to the Personal Options page, click on the "edit your
     personal options" link.  You will see your changes reflected in the
     Options box.


* Other Information

  + Email b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu if these instructions did not answer
    your questions, or you have a suggestion for the admin.

  + If you are on other mailing lists at cs.columbia.edu and wish to edit
    your options for those mailing lists, do the following from the
    initial URL:
    1. Find the section titled "B5JMS Subscribers" at the bottom of the
       page Type in the email at which you receive posts in the box next
       to the "Edit Options" button.

    2. Click the "Edit Options" button.

    3. Find the section titled "Your other cs.columbia.edu subscriptions"

    4. Enter your password in the "Password:" box.

    5. Click on the "List my other subscriptions" button.

    6. Click on the appropriate list and make your changes.  

    The instructions given above should work for any list on the
    cs.columbia.edu site, or any other mailman site, if you substitute the
    name of the new list for B5JMS above.  Note that it is SHOULD work,
    not WILL work - each site maintainer may have different options set.


We hope that helps!

The B5JMS List Admin

   b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu

More information about the B5JMS mailing list