[B5JMS] And So It Begins...

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Tue Apr 1 04:25:04 EST 2003

From: Robert Perkins <rob_perkins at hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 04:31:21 GMT
Lines: 22

On 28 Mar 2003 21:51:32 GMT, jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5) wrote:

>Something which may shed some light on this discussion...direct from the Senate
>floor, a while back....
>Senate Remarks by Robert C. Byrd

As if the Senate is the fount of wisdom and philosophy on this stuff.
Joe, you picked the one senator most easily bought by special

I stopped listening to Byrd years ago. He should have retired along
with Helms before I turned 10. And because of his reputation I have no
doubt that he'd never have uttered those words had this time and
situation come during the Clinton years. 


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 Mar 2003 20:33:12 GMT
Lines: 33

>As if the Senate is the fount of wisdom and philosophy on this stuff.

Well, they are our elected reps, and they do form the basis for our government,
so I think they have a say in this, don't you?  Or do you think the president
should run the whole show and everybody else should just shut up?

>Joe, you picked the one senator most easily bought by special

Checked the White House lately?

>I stopped listening to Byrd years ago.

Too bad, because he's the one constitutional scholar that even the most
conservative Republicans respect.

He was one of the first to speak out about the Lewinsky situation,
however...and in not flattering terms to Clinton.

Have you ever considered knowing a bit more about your subject area?


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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