[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: Kevin Smith Question

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Tue Apr 1 04:25:17 EST 2003

From: ssmith1701 at aol.com (Stephen C. Smith)
Date: 30 Mar 2003 18:02:55 GMT
Lines: 31

>From: jmsatb5 at aol.com  (Jms at B5)
>Date: 3/17/2003 11:21 AM Pacific Standard Time

>I've only spoken to Kevin once, at a con, where he was signing.  I came up
>introduced myself.  He blinked at me for a second, then said, "Huh.  You're
>taller than I thought you'd be."  And that was about it.

And your retort should have been, "You're heavier than I thought you'd be,
lunch box."

My girlfriend Carol and I watched "Dogma" last night.  (If you've seen it, I'd
be curious to hear any thoughts you have, as this movie is pretty much the
Catholic Church as SF.)  One running discussion we have is
comparing/contrasting your work to Kevin's, given your common background,
tastes and interests.  She made the observation that "Kevin is very
self-indulgent," which I guess is true.  You have those "self-indulgent"
moments, as all creators do, but Kevin's largely seem to be the core of his
art.  Kevin also tends to do more comedy in his work than you do.

But if you have a few moments, I'd like to know what you think about "Dogma"
from the perspective that you're an atheist while Kevin claims to believe in
God.  Both of you are lapsed Catholics (along with Carol and me), but he found
his explanation for life, the universe and everything in a different way --
essentially that God created something beautiful, but humans screwed it up.  I
think you'd agree with the latter, but not necessarily the former ... :-)

Thanks and take care.


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 01 Apr 2003 06:59:24 GMT
Lines: 34

>My girlfriend Carol and I watched "Dogma" last night.  (If you've seen it,
>be curious to hear any thoughts you have, as this movie is pretty much the
>Catholic Church as SF.)  One running discussion we have is
>comparing/contrasting your work to Kevin's, given your common background,
>tastes and interests.  She made the observation that "Kevin is very
>self-indulgent," which I guess is true.  You have those "self-indulgent"
>moments, as all creators do, but Kevin's largely seem to be the core of his

I think I pretty much agree with this assessment, though I would, since I kind
of come out better in it and it would be in my interests to agree (standard

>But if you have a few moments, I'd like to know what you think about "Dogma"
>from the perspective that you're an atheist while Kevin claims to believe in

I saw it an awfully long time ago, and to be honest it's a bit fuzzy to me now.
 I do remember that I enjoyed it, in a dopey kind of way, and that it was
entertaining and made some good points along the way.  It's certainly not for
everybody (but really, what is?), but it does seem to have teeth in all the
right places.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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