[B5JMS] And So It Begins...

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Apr 3 04:25:25 EST 2003

From: "CaptJosh" <captjosh at phantos.subspacelink.com>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 22:46:38 -0800
Lines: 32

Andrew Swallow wrote:
>> << It is a pity that the anti-war demonstrators did not
>> take a more active role against Saddam.  Say campaigning
>> to have all his money confiscated or contributing
>> 10 UK pounds each towards hiring mercenaries to
>> assassinate Saddam and his sons.  For 20 million
>> pounds you can hire some good shots. >>
>> Well, if this is such a good idea, why didn't the gov't of the US or
>> UK do so?
> It is illegal and they may want to capture the oil fields.

The oil fields are for the people of Iraq. I do and will continue to believe
this until I am offered proof that this war is because of oil, and not
because a madman has consistently flouted the will of the international
community, and President Bush and others were unwilling to continue to wait
for the UN to stop sitting on its collective thumb and do something.

As for not hiring a shooter, they don't do it because of an executive order
made by President Gerald Ford, which, IIRC, states that the USA will not
sponsor the assassination of a foreign leader, regardless of whether or not
we like him or her.


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 01 Apr 2003 22:09:35 GMT
Lines: 34

>The oil fields are for the people of Iraq. I do and will continue to believe
>this until I am offered proof that this war is because of oil, and not
>because a madman has consistently flouted the will of the international
>community, and President Bush and others were unwilling to continue to wait
>for the UN to stop sitting on its collective thumb and do something.

Oil companies in the US are already lining up to get their share of those
resources, according to any number of articles on this.  Also, the "for the
people of Iraq" also includes paying for reconstruction.  Who is going to be
doing most of that reconstruction?  American companies.  

Also, do bear in mind that the UN resolutions do *not* have the power of law. 
Any number of countries have routinely failed to obey UN resolutions, including

>As for not hiring a shooter, they don't do it because of an executive order
>made by President Gerald Ford, which, IIRC, states that the USA will not
>sponsor the assassination of a foreign leader, regardless of whether or not
>we like him or her.

Actually, I seem to recall reading that Bush rescinded this rule very early on.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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