[B5JMS] And So It Begins...

b5jms at lists.cs.columbia.edu b5jms at lists.cs.columbia.edu
Fri Apr 11 04:25:09 EDT 2003

From: velovich at aol.com (V-Man)
Date: 08 Apr 2003 06:28:02 GMT
Lines: 41

>>   Did Nightwatch use any of those?  NO!  I saw them arresting merchants tht
>> wouldn't support the program, a man that casually expressed an opinion to a
>> friend in public and got overheard.  Until THIS is going on, I will
>> continue to be vocal about comparisons to the current administration 
>> and Nightwatch.
>And what country did you say you live in again? More to the point, on 
>what planet?
>-Simo Sakari Aaltonen-
>(simoaalt at cc.jyu.fi)

  I live in the US - you do not, so how can you possibly know the day to day,
big and small picture.

  Tell ya what - I'll ask again!

   JMS!!!  How many FBI agents have asked you to stop posting to public forums
criticism of the government?
   How many phone calls in the night have you gotten threatening dire
   Come on!  Tell us!  Prove me wrong!!!!
   ANYONE in this forum!  How much harassment have you gotten, from OFFICIAL
   Speak up!   
    <waiting to hear something other than a "friend of a friend" or "I saw a
news report" story>
     Posted and mailed to ensure delivery - any replies by email are accepted
on the premise they are repostable here.

Play more with Claymore!  V-Man
Living Vicariously through my Characters...

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Apr 2003 05:18:06 GMT
Lines: 50

> I live in the US - you do not, so how can you possibly know the day to day,
>big and small picture.
>  Tell ya what - I'll ask again!
>   JMS!!!  How many FBI agents have asked you to stop posting to public
>criticism of the government?
>   How many phone calls in the night have you gotten threatening dire
>   Come on!  Tell us!  Prove me wrong!!!!
>   ANYONE in this forum!  How much harassment have you gotten, from OFFICIAL
>   Speak up!   

You're getting tedious.  Your point seems to be that if it isn't happening to
me, in specific, then it isn't happening.  We just heard on this newsgroup from
someone who has been working with a fellow who was taken away without
charges...does that qualify?

No, it hasn't happened to me yet...but it has been happening elsewhere.  You
can't just say "well, it's just news reports," it's not like seeing freakin'

Anyway, enough.  You again play this as a zero-sum game...if it isn't happening
to one of us here, then it isn't happening, and that logic is faulty on every
conceivable leve.

And you still haven't provided me with the backup to your charge that people
here have been saying Iraq didn't break any of the UN resolutions.  You made
the statement, so shouldn't you put your own statements to the same test you
apply to everyone else?

Or is that another zero-sum game?


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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