[B5JMS] ATTN JMS: Handing over Jeremiah reigns questions (short I promise)

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Mon Dec 15 04:26:20 EST 2003

From: "Jon Frain" <jonfrain at hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 00:52:20 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 31

Hello Joe,

When a showrunner leaves, I assume that said shows owners hold all the 
rights to any outlines/arcs/etc.. you may have provided to them or written 
during your employment with them.  And so do they have any info in regards 
to where you wanted to take the show after season 2?

Regardless of what's been left behind for them to try to work with, would 
you have any interest or desire in letting the new showrunners in on any of 
your ideas?  Would you prefer not to give out info in fear that they 
wouldn't do your vision justice?  Would you consider being hired on as a 
consultant to the show if asked?

I'm really enjoying the second season, especially after seeing the episodes 
aired early in canada.  You've really hit your stride on this show as far as 
I'm concerned.  I'm really annoyed that the studio pushed you to the point 
where you are leaving the show.  I'm expecting to cancel my showtime 
subscription after the episodes air in the US and I'll write a letter to 
Showtime and the Studio (Universal?) stating my displeasure with what 
they've allowed to happen.

Thanks in advance,
                             Jon Frain

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From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 07:26:36 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 48

>When a showrunner leaves, I assume that said shows owners hold all the 
>rights to any outlines/arcs/etc.. you may have provided to them or written 
>during your employment with them. 

Yes and no.  They own what they pay for, meaning scripts and, if commissiond, a
bible.  Generally they don't pay for notes, memos, sketches, that sort of
thing...though on the other hand, one could make the argument that it's all
done during the term of employment.  I don't know if this has ever been tested.
 Either way, if they were to base a story on one's notes, there would have to
be separate story payments per WGA.

>And so do they have any info in regards 
>to where you wanted to take the show after season 2?

No.  Studios are remarkably short-sighted as a rule; they only want to see
what's in the pipeline for that season.  In the case of Jeremiah, I did not
write any notes for after season 2, which is actually pretty much pro forma, B5
being the exception to the rule.  You have it in your head, but that's it.

>Regardless of what's been left behind for them to try to work with, would 
>you have any interest or desire in letting the new showrunners in on any of 
>your ideas? 

No.  Nor would I think they would want them.  MGM would take the show in a
vastly different direction, such that any thoughts I would have had would no
longer apply.  

Emblematic of some of the studio's notions is a call made by the studio to my
casting director, stating -- of the paucity of babes -- "I don't care if she
can act, I want her cute."

>Would you consider being hired on as a 
>consultant to the show if asked?

If there were a third season, the studio would have to pay me a consultancy fee
but there would be no requirement to actually consult.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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