[B5JMS] B5 revival rumors in latest Jerry Doyle interview

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Sun Sep 7 04:26:22 EDT 2003

From: "jehanne" <jehanne_daix at hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 21:32:43 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 35

"Mac Breck" wrote:

> Right now, I'd be hard pressed to vote for Bush/Cheney (I can see/agree
> JMS's side of the argument here.), but I certainly wouldn't want to vote
> Hillary either.  It looks like in 2004, there will again be no good
> The Republican machine will back the incumbents, the Democratic machine
> back a Liberal in a reflex action against the Republicans, and no
> who run independantly will have a snowball's chance in Hell.  Man, one of
> these years, I'd like to have a good choice, someone who's a moderate, and
> in nobody's pocket.

Might I suggest Wesley Clark? I wouldn't support him myself, but he's a fair
sight more tolerable than most of the Democratic field... one of the only
two of the possible democratic candidates who I believe would have a chance
of defeating Bush (the other being Howard Dean, assuming the Democrats swing
toward the liberal side). But if the Democrats want to run a viable
moderate, they should field Clark, and emphasize how strongly right-wing the
Bush adminstration has been (and how Bush has violated many of his
"moderate" positions from his 2000 campaign.) Unfortunately, I fear that the
Democratic party will end up nominating someone like Gephardt or Kerry, who
I don't believe has a snowball's chance in hell of booting Bush out of

But if the Democratic nomination came down to Dean vs. Clark... *then* I'd
be excited...


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 22:52:48 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 22

>Might I suggest Wesley Clark? I wouldn't support him myself, but he's a fair
>sight more tolerable than most of the Democratic field... one of the only
>two of the possible democratic candidates who I believe would have a chance
>of defeating Bush (the other being Howard Dean,

I tend to agree.  Dean is, frankly, the only one in the current pack who I
think can a) beat Bush and b) has the credentials to do a good job as
President.  His record shows him as socially liberal in many respects, but
financially conservative, which is a good combination.  His history of running
Vermont shows his strong points, and traditionally governors get nominations
and win elections, not senators.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
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