[B5JMS] Anything new going on?

b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu
Thu May 18 04:45:10 EDT 2006

From: "Michael Malloy" <sputnikpsalomschchika at yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 08:17:54 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 21

We know JMS is busy with several projects, which is great news. The
down side is none of them seem in have anything to do with Babylon 5 or
Crusade at this time.

Nothing would make this fan happier than word of some way to continue
the original storyline for Crusade.  In the best world, a backer would
appear who doesn't mess with JMS's work and the original cast members
could be rounded up again. Since it is more likely that I will get a
ride on a Minbari cruiser, why not finish the original idea in written
form? Or annimated? The cast assembled for Crusade did a remarkable job
under the worst circumstances to stamp their images and voices on those
characters! I am able to see vividly in my mind those actors when I
read any of the books with Babylon 5 characters in them. Galen is so
perfectly portrayed I can't begin to imagine anyone else in that role.

Let's face it. I'm a Crusade junkie. I get my fix by watching "A Call
to Arms" and the 13 episodes over and over as needed. I'm beggin you,
JMS...finish the story.

From: "Matthew Sprange" <spare at mongoosepublishing.com>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 21:57:15 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 13

> Nothing would make this fan happier than word of some way to continue
> the original storyline for Crusade.  In the best world, a backer would

Look out for the novels early next year. . .

Matthew Sprange

Mongoose Publishing

From: "Mac Breck" <macthevorlon at yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 23:09:12 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 41

"Matthew Sprange" <spare at mongoosepublishing.com> wrote in message
news:kfednZjBc7qwBfrZRVnytw at bt.com...
> > Nothing would make this fan happier than word of some way to
> > the original storyline for Crusade.  In the best world, a backer
> Look out for the novels early next year. . .
> Matthew Sprange
> Mongoose Publishing
> http://www.mongoosepublishing.com

Let's say that one of us alone wins the Powerball jackpot for $300
million, and single-handedly backs a re-start of Crusade and it's
continuation for 101 new episodes, guaranteed (no more nail biting
between seasons).  What I want to see is THAT storyline unfold in
novels, not some non-canon novels that are not based upon detailed JMS
outlines like the Del Rey ones were, and which have no JMS involvement.
Without that, what you have is something similar to Dell books 1 thru 6
& 8, and you know what high regard most of us hold Dell 1 thru 6 & 8.<S>
What is needed is not some made-up stuff by any ol' "writer" you can
get, doing what they think ~~might~~ have been in the Crusade storyline,
but a continuation of the CANON Crusade storyline.

Mac Breck (KoshN)
"Babylon 5: Crusade" (1999)
Galen: "There is always hope, only because it's the one thing that no
one has figured out how to kill yet."
(Galen's obviously never met Warner Brothers, TNT-Atlanta or Sci-Fi.)

"Brimstone" (1998)
[Stone lights a candle for the dead in a Catholic church]
Gina: Who's that for?
Ezekiel Stone: Me.

From: "Matthew Sprange" <spare at mongoosepublishing.com>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 13:27:12 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 20

> Without that, what you have is something similar to Dell books 1 thru 6
> & 8, and you know what high regard most of us hold Dell 1 thru 6 & 8.<S>

With the exception that the new stories are being done by people and a 
company who know the Babylon 5 universe intimately, and have already 
demonstrated the care, respect and attention the property deserves. 
Continuity is foremost in our minds, and nothing has been left to chance. 
You might be surprised.  You might find you actually _like_ the new novels.

The galaxy is, after all, a big place and there is enough room for new 
stories and new points of view. . .

Matthew Sprange

Mongoose Publishing

From: "alex_t" <atereshchenko at googlemail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 14:46:22 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 16

> With the exception that the new stories are being done by people and a
> company who know the Babylon 5 universe intimately

There only one person who knows Babylon 5 universe "intimately" - JMS

With all due respect, I think these new stories will be fanfic in nice
cover. I highly doubt that, for example, Claudia Christian knows
something about her character that we don't know already from TV-series
(and this news group). As well as I remember JMS did not give actors
any information even about the future of the show itself, and
definitely not anything else besides it.

From: "Matthew Sprange" <spare at mongoosepublishing.com>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 18:11:53 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 19

> There only one person who knows Babylon 5 universe "intimately" - JMS
> himself.

Well, that is plainly not true. . .

> With all due respect, I think these new stories will be fanfic in nice
> cover. I highly doubt that, for example, Claudia Christian knows
> something about her character that we don't know already from TV-series

You will be very, very surprised. . .

Matthew Sprange

Mongoose Publishing

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 04:11:02 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 25


You said on your podcast that you had been given outlines from me
concerning the future of "Crusade."  I have never given you any such
outlines, nor do any exist.  If you have them, post them, or provide
the dates of them.  If you cannot produce them, you owe both me and the
B5 fan community an apology.

You further said that my involvement in these novels was becoming
"less" with time, because I was "a busy chap."  I have never had ANY
involvement with these novels.  If you say I have, then produce any
memos or dates of conversations.  You cannot, because they have not
taken place.  You owe me and the B5 community an apology for
misrespresenting the facts in order to pretend to my involvement with
these books.

You cannot deny having said these things, because they are online for
anyone to listen to.

Do you really think that misrepresenting the facts to the fans who rely
on this information is a good way to represent B5?


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