[B5JMS] JMS at New York Comic Con

b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu b5jms at mail.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu
Thu Oct 19 04:45:16 EDT 2006

From: "Jeffrey O. Gustafson" <PsicopJeffG at hotmail.com>
Date: 18 Oct 2006 05:44:20 -0700
Lines: 22


JMS will be the guest of honor at the NYCC February 23-25.

I have never been to a comic book or science fiction convention,
although I have always wanted to go to such in the past.  Until
recently, I was limited by proximity, finances, and resources, but
attending the NYCC in February will be a sinch.

I have never seen Joe in person, and I will definitely be looking
forward to the opportunity, to say the least.

I have been waiting most of my life for such a chance to see JMS in
person (seriously).  I'm giddy, and its more than four months off.

      -The Jeff

Sheridan:"So how did you find out all of this?"
Bester:"I'm a telepath.  Work it out." <*>

From: Jan <janmschroeder at aol.com>
Date: 18 Oct 2006 10:17:44 -0700
Lines: 38

In article <1161175460.720561.315680 at m7g2000cwm.googlegroups.com>, Jeffrey O.
Gustafson says...
>JMS will be the guest of honor at the NYCC February 23-25.
>I have never been to a comic book or science fiction convention,
>although I have always wanted to go to such in the past.  Until
>recently, I was limited by proximity, finances, and resources, but
>attending the NYCC in February will be a sinch.
>I have never seen Joe in person, and I will definitely be looking
>forward to the opportunity, to say the least.
>I have been waiting most of my life for such a chance to see JMS in
>person (seriously).  I'm giddy, and its more than four months off.

I can pretty much guarantee that you'll enjoy JMS's session(s), Jeff. Also Peter
David (B5 writer, Trek novelist and another Spidey writer) and Colleen Doran
(Book of Lost Souls and many other comics artist) will be there as well.

On a cautionary note, we might want to wait for confirmation from JMS on this
one even though it's a new announcement.  This is slightly within the six-month
period where JMS said he wouldn't be able to do any cons.


We are the voice of the universe, the soul of creation, 
The fire that will light the way to a better future. 
We are One. 
                       IA Declaration of Principles
                        (J. Michael Straczynski)                                

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com
Date: 18 Oct 2006 19:03:19 -0700
Lines: 44

Jan wrote:
> In article <1161175460.720561.315680 at m7g2000cwm.googlegroups.com>, Jeffrey O.
> Gustafson says...
> >
> >!!!
> >
> >JMS will be the guest of honor at the NYCC February 23-25.
> >
> >I have never been to a comic book or science fiction convention,
> >although I have always wanted to go to such in the past.  Until
> >recently, I was limited by proximity, finances, and resources, but
> >attending the NYCC in February will be a sinch.
> >
> >I have never seen Joe in person, and I will definitely be looking
> >forward to the opportunity, to say the least.
> >
> >I have been waiting most of my life for such a chance to see JMS in
> >person (seriously).

Trust me, there's far less to me than meets the eye.

> > I'm giddy, and its more than four months off.
> >
> I can pretty much guarantee that you'll enjoy JMS's session(s)

Also the rack, the guillotine, public flogging....

>  Jeff. Also Peter
> David (B5 writer, Trek novelist and another Spidey writer) and Colleen Doran
> (Book of Lost Souls and many other comics artist) will be there as well.
> On a cautionary note, we might want to wait for confirmation from JMS on this
> one even though it's a new announcement.  This is slightly within the six-month
> period where JMS said he wouldn't be able to do any cons.

It's just on the cusp, but yeah, I'll be there.


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