JMS on CompuServe (Dec 07-08, 1995) *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Sun Dec 10 13:53:01 EST 1995

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: brent.barrett at (Brent Barrett)


 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 The following posts may contain SPOILERS for
 upcoming Babylon 5 episodes.

[Spoilers for "Passing through Gethsemane", "Divided Loyalties"
(major!), "Matters of Honour"  --mod.]

 Continue at your own risk.





#: 412210 S5/Babylon 5: General
    06-Dec-95  18:37:59
Sb: #412190-#ATTN:JMS <? About B4>
Fm: Stephen C. Smith 76150,1170
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

       Just a thought, but maybe if you could get Bruce Boxleitner to tape a
15-30 second intro explaining that the episode is a "B5 Classic," this might
mollify the powers that be, who fear that we stupid viewers can't figure out
that this is a repeat ... Maybe make up the time by dropping the bumpers or
something else extraneous.

#: 412455 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  00:35:46
Sb: #412210-ATTN:JMS <? About B4>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Stephen C. Smith 76150,1170 (X)

     To which they would reply, "Terrific, great idea, but we're not going to
sacrifice 15-30 seconds of commercials so you can do this, so you're going to
have to go in and cut 15-30 seconds out of the show."

     That time has to come from somewhere.


#: 412267 S5/Babylon 5: General
    06-Dec-95  19:47:03
Sb: #411663-#B5 Screen Saver Arrived!
Fm: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot 70040,104
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

  RE B5 Screen Saver...
 > It's just hitting the market and already it's doing quite well.


  It's time for the Kosh Magic Eight Ball program! <g>

  BTW, are the \PDESK\IMAGES\DATA*.AVI files supposed to play video? All I get
is a bunch of computer beep-beep's but no video.

  Oh, BTW#2, I noticed that the most actively traded stock on the NASDAQ
Tuesday was named "Acclaim." It even out traded the likes of Intel, Microsoft,
Cisco, etc.. I wonder if there's any relationship to the sales of the screen
saver? <g>

        -Dupa T. Parrot [Tech Supp SysOp]
        <OS/2 WarpConnect & GCP>

#: 412456 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  00:35:49
Sb: #412267-#B5 Screen Saver Arrived!
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot 70040,104 (X)

      Yes, the .avi files play full-motion video and music/sound effects. Check
your setup menu to make sure you've selected those files, and that they're in
the directory, and that they've been marked to play.


#: 412285 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    06-Dec-95  19:52:46
Sb: #412189-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


        RE: Your beliefs

        VERY interesting.   I suspect that you and I could have a fascinating,
if mostly useless, discussion about God or the lack thereof.  Mainly because I
agree almost word for word with the individual points you raise, and I've come
to a VERY different ultimate conclusion.  I personally find people's beliefs
one of the most interesting subjects around and have heard many reasons for
peoples beliefs.  I have never heard anyone's as well thought and reasoned out
as yours are and I can't find fault with your thinking.  The funny part is that
I don't agree.  Most curious.


Guardian of the Republic
General Pain in the Butt

#: 412457 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  00:35:50
Sb: #412285-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626 (X)

      Yeah, well, I've kinda given it a *lot* of thought over a *very* long


#: 412292 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    06-Dec-95  20:08:00
Sb: #<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: Rick Corey /NY 74653,3323
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

>>       The only problem with your message, as well thought out as it is, is
that it proceeds from a false premise.

Sorry, I did misunderstand what you said altogether.  I slapped together two
things you said and assumed you were were saying one was because of another.
In fact I agree with your principled rejection of at least 90% of the published
fairy tales about gods.

Though I knew I had gotten preachy, I didn't realize _how_  orthodox and
moralistic I would sound.  Going back and re-reading it now makes me think that
if I had re-read it before sending I would've deleted it instead.  I  _am_

 Most strongly, I   _didn't_  mean to question your scholarship or the
seriousness and validity of your beliefs.

>>   I have no desire to convince anyone else of the rightness of my views.
Neither of us needs the other to lecture us on this.

Gentle hint taken.  I'll curb the urge.

>>   I have no desire to seem to disapprove or put down anyone else's
attitudes, just as I don't want my own to be degraded.

Absolutely the last thing in the world I would wish to do.  I see that my tone
was otherwise - unintentionally.  I  apologize again, and I won't try to preach
at you again.  Thank you for the courtesy and restraint in your reply.

#: 412458 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  00:35:52
Sb: #412292-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Rick Corey /NY 74653,3323 (X)

      Rick: you've nothing to apologize for.  You stated your beliefs quite
eloquently; they're not mine, but that's fine, and nothing to be sorry about.


#: 412322 S5/Babylon 5: General
    06-Dec-95  20:45:26
Sb: #Max (Richard Moll)
Fm: Melanie Moser 71163,1266
To: jms 71016,1644 (X)

With the rerun of "Hunter,Prey", I once again enjoyed the great acting
of Richard Moll as Max.  I think he's a wonderful actor, and diverse,
and have enjoyed watching him way back from the days of Night Court,
and I've seen him show up in various series such as Dr. Quinn,
Hercules and Xena.  Was this a one-time role, or is there any chance
that we'll see Max again?

BTW, mega-kudos on the B5 magazine!!  I can tell alot of hard work and
attention to content and detail went into it.  It really portrayed an
understanding and appreciation for science-fiction afficionados all
around.  And the cast interviews titles were a cute play on words.

Hands down, even B5 reruns are the best programs on TV. :-)


#: 412459 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  00:35:56
Sb: #412322-Max (Richard Moll)
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Melanie Moser 71163,1266 (X)

      Thanks.  At this point, Richard's part was a one-shot, but if we come up
with the right role, I'd love to see him again.


#: 412343 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    06-Dec-95  21:13:38
Sb: #412200-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: John C. Brobston/PRCT 71410,3121
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

 >       An atheist says, "No one has yet shown the least real
 > evidence of there being a god, therefore I choose not to believe
 > in one."

Sounds more like the position of a concerned agnostic to me.  Agnostics admit
uncertainty, Atheists are no more uncertain than is the Pope.  Of course it's
your belief and you certainly have the right to assign it whatever label you

 >       It's not a matter of *knowing* there is no god; that puts
 > the person in the position of "You must have concrete evidence of
 > the non-existence of god," which is absurd, you can't prove a
 > negative.

I've seen them attempt to do just that.  You seem to have made a rational
choice with no faith about it except perhaps the faith in reason--from the
sound of things if someone did come up with proof then you would accept it
without too much heartburn.  An atheist has no concrete evidence in the
non--existence of a God, but he takes it as being a certainty regardless, and
will generally argue that lack of proof of existence is equivalent to proof of

I pointed out a while back that if the distant quasars suddently rearranged
themselves to read "Believe in Me or suffer creative torments for all
eternity--I cure your ailments as proof of My Power", signed it with the
Tetragrammaton, and on the day that it happened dead men rose up from gurneys,
every case of cancer went into remission, AIDS patients immune systems started
conquering the disease, Stephen Hawking jumped up and started dancing, every
amputee in the world grew back his missing limbs, no murders occurred, every
soldier in every war in the world spontaneously lay down his weapons, and my
sinuses cleared, then I would take that to indicate that there was a God or
something so close to one that the difference is meaningless from our
viewpoint.  The atheist I was arguing with dismissed it with "It could be a
trick."  Ask yourself what you would do in that situation.  If such events
would have no effect on your belief in the non-existence of a God then you are
an atheist.  If you would accept under those circumstances there probably but
not certainly is something out there that could properly be described as a God
then you are an agnostic.

 >       If you say, "There are green penguins in the north pole,"
 > then it is incumbent upon you to prove the point.  I'm not a
 > "believer in non-green penguinism" if I don't buy it...I just
 > don't accept it.

Precisely.  The person who accepts on faith that there are green penguins at
the north pole would be the equivalent of an atheist.  The person who doesn't
buy it without proof would be the agnostic.  Of course some agnostics go the
other way, believing that there are green penguins until proven otherwise, but
in either case there is an element of uncertainty.  A religions person has no
such uncertainty.

All in my opinion of course.


#: 412460 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  00:35:59
Sb: #412343-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: John C. Brobston/PRCT 71410,3121 (X)

      If all the things you describe were suddenly to happen, sure, I'd have to
give my position serious thought, while turning down Stephen Hawking's
invitations to dance and dodging the newly revived dead.  Now, when is this
supposed to happen?  'Cause it hasn't happened yet, and gives no indication of
happening anytime soon.  Which is, really, the point.

      Let me try a different take on this whole agnostic/atheist thing, to see
if I can better communicate my position.  My agent calls and says, "Listen, the
BBC called, and they're interested in signing you up for a two year documentary
on the mating habits of clams."  To which I respond, "Great, but I'll believe
it when it happens."

      I do not say that the contract may, or may not exist; it either is, or it
isn't, and my actions proceed from those two options.  Until I get the contract
actually in my hand, it doesn't exist.  Until someone puts the absolute proof
out in front of me of a deity, it doesn't exist.  That's the difference; the
agnostic says, well, maybe there is, maybe there isn't, who knows?  The atheist
says, There is currently no proof whatsoever of this assertion, thus I choose
not to believe it.

      There are, really, any number of schools on what atheism is or isn't.
Some have taken this to be the notion of anti-religion, which I think is
unconstructive.  I used to write a humor column for Madeline Murry O'Hare's
publication American Atheist back in the 1970s (betcha didn't know that one,
did you?).  Even did some other writing, articles and the like...until one day
I realized that this (American Atheist Organization) wasn't about just
providing equal respect and treatment for atheists, it was about knocking down
religion and attacking others' belief which time I resigned the

      To get back on track...mine is the kind of atheism you saw most often
around the turn of the century, basically accommodational of others, positive
in outlook, stressing the basic worth of the individual, and the importance of
the individual in building a better society.

      Because of the more...rigorous atheists out there, atheism has, I think,
gotten kind of a bad rap in some circles.  And a lot of it is unfair, though
I'd be foolish to say that the criticisms were entirely without merit.  But
when then-President Bush said, as he did in an interview in Chicago during the
last election, that he "doesn't really consider atheists patriots, since after
all the idea is one nation under god," it brings you up a little short.  The
founders of this country weren't just believers, they were deists and
freethinkers and even the occasional atheist.

      In any event...I hadn't meant to belabor the point.  This is simply what
I think.  I don't usually get into it, but the question was raised, so I
answered it.  I don't expect much of anyone else to agree, or to convince
anyone to think as I do.  And that's fine, and as it should be.


#: 412646 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  10:08:54
Sb: #412456-#B5 Screen Saver Arrived!
Fm: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


        < Yes, the .avi files play full-motion video and music/sound effects.
Check your setup menu to make sure you've selected those files, and that
they're in the directory, and that they've been marked to play.>

        You mean the .avi files that play during the screen saver shots of
personnel (like Delenn, Sheridan, et al.) are supposed to have video??  All I
get is a buzzing noise like data was being written out on the screen.  All the
other .avi files play beautifully though.


     Guardian of the Republic
     General Pain in the Butt

#: 412731 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  11:58:06
Sb: #412646-#B5 Screen Saver Arrived!
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626 (X)

      No, the personnel files don't have them, only the battle, ship and geo


#: 412704 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  11:23:05
Sb: #411939-#JMS resigns rastb5
Fm: Robt Martin 75663,2701
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Joe, I always was amazed that you found the time to keep up with the traffic,
let alone your patience with the small but vocal minority of abusers and liars.
It remains that most Usenet users are not much different from most users of
online services; it's just that the little bit of moderation used here
frustrates the worst troublemakers before they even start.

While I couldn't follow ratb5 as you did, it seemed to me that the trouble was
begun by fans with a Messiah complex -- "I'll save B-5!" -- who had to imagine
non-existent troubles with the series in order to fulfill their frustrated
dreams of creativity. Seems to me it was their frustrated ambitions that helped
to fuel the vitriolic trio that ultimately poisoned the group.

At any rate, we agree that it's unlikely to happen here, so (except as a study
in the human dynamic) it's probably not worth analyzing. If it makes you feel
any better, I was driven out of alt.cult.movies by the flames that arose after
I mentioned that I used to edit Fangoria (what price fame...or infamy, in that

#: 412732 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  11:58:07
Sb: #412704-#JMS resigns rastb5
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Robt Martin 75663,2701 (X)

     You used to edit Fangoria?

     So are you currently appealing the conviction...?


#: 412558 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  07:23:40
Sb: #412467-#$0.04: <A Day in Strife>
Fm: Nigel Nixon 100666,2174
To: Jon Wolf 76103,2541 (X)


>>somebody posted a note claiming that Doug Netter confirmed that the move was
initiated by PTEN execs. This was in an interview in the latest issue of
Starburst, #206, supposedly.<<

"Netter believes their [PTEN] input was largely constructive...'They also felt
that perhaps the impact of the commander wasn't as great as perhaps they wanted
to see, and therefore asked us to consider another commander who was more
well-known and had previous acceptance by a large television audience...This
was not a reflection on the acting ability of moh who is a very fine actor but
goes back to the economics of the TV world...Having seen the success of the
show, Warners was willing to pay more.'"

Starburst #206 (latest issue is #208 BTW)

 Dictator of France, Duck of Normandy, Minister of Bad Puns,
 Chancellor of the Ex-Keffer. Ou est la mauvaise Filles?

#: 412743 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  12:10:07
Sb: #412558-#$0.04: <A Day in Strife>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Nigel Nixon 100666,2174 (X)

     And this is quite correct; WB had always wanted a well known actor in that
rols, so when we decided to make the change, WB repeated this, and urged us
strongly in this direction.  Happily, Bruce was known to us through Doug and
John who'd worked with him on other projects, and said he was a swell guy in
addition to a terrific actor; we met, talked, and that was that.


#: 412810 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  14:05:12
Sb: #<PTG: Mindwipe>
Fm: Michael Guenther 70003,6025
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


Great episode!  I have one question for you that you may have already answered,
but since I haven't seen an answer I'll ask you anyway....

How similar is the process used by Psi Corps to destroy the Talia1 personality
to the procedure used to mindwipe criminals?  As you may have noticed, some
individiuals have used the apparent similarity between the two events to
predict a possible return of the Talia1 personality.

I personally, think that while there are similarities, the process appears to
be different enough that this wouldn't be possible, i.e. Talia2 retains all of
Talia1's memories -- Brother Edward retained none until the end, and even then
they appeared to be sketchy. This would lead me to believe that the Talia2
personality is more like a case of multiple personalities where her newer, evil
twin Skippy personality has taken irrevocable control.

Am I answering my own question here???

Member: DNRC
Representing Urzahil, The Mouth Of Sauron
Aide de Camp to Gothmog, Warlord of Barad-dur
Foreign Minister to His Majesty, King Edward

#: 412950 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  18:37:35
Sb: #412810-<PTG: Mindwipe>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Michael Guenther 70003,6025 (X)

      I'd say there's some similarity in the process, yes.


#: 412890 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  16:35:57
Sb: #412189-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: David Cerreta 72630,3433
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


No comment to your long message explaining your reasoning behind your atheism,
other than I saved it and was wondering if I could use some of your arguments
with some friends of mine.  I'll give you due credit.

By the by, it always struck me as odd that Jesus was hanging out in Gethsemane
agonizing about his future.  He KNEW what was going to happen, he KNEW that he
would die and go to heaven.  He KNEW, not just had faith, he KNEW.  Not much of
dilemma.  When I asked my mother about this (me, at the tender young age of
10), she said it showed us his humanity.  Didn't wash then, doesn't now.

Best, Dave

#: 412951 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  18:37:36
Sb: #412890-<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: David Cerreta 72630,3433 (X)

      By all means, quote away....


#: 412918 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  17:40:27
Sb: #412458-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: Rick Corey /NY 74653,3323
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Good, thanks.  I thought you might have taken offense.  It's been interesting!
Thanks for going into all this.

I might differ with your evaluation that discussing such things is pointless -
_why_ someone holds an opinion, or why a particular person thinks a certain
thing, may be as interesting and usefull a kind of knowledge as the original
text of the opinion.  But I think you're right about the likelihood of either
of us making radical changes in our ontology any time soon.

#: 412953 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    07-Dec-95  18:37:38
Sb: #412918-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Rick Corey /NY 74653,3323 (X)

      I guess I'm partly leery of going into my personal views on this stuff
too much because I'm very conscious of the position of "celebrity" in our
society, even as minor a celebrity as that of producer, of which there cannot
possibly be a smaller version of celebrity.  It's possible to use one's
position as a platform for advancing one's own personal views, or propagating
them, and I don't want to do that, or to be perceived as doing that.


#: 412928 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  17:51:40
Sb: #Jump Points
Fm: John Cissna 102320,3535
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

I was wondering about something that seemed to me might have been either a
mistake or something.  In any case I think I need some clarification.  In the
first episode of the Season "Matter of Honor" that characters state that the
White Star generates its own jump point which other ships her size do not.  The
White Star by its looks is a mid sized ship about the same size as the Centauri
small cruisers.  Yet I remember in the show "Coming of Shadows" that these same
Centauri craft generated a Jump Point of there own.  Are these two ships the
same approximate size or what, and hence the fact the White Star can generate a
Jump Point is no big deal,  or are they not the same size.  If not I must say
they sure seem the same size.

John Cisna

#: 412954 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  18:37:40
Sb: #412928-Jump Points
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: John Cissna 102320,3535 (X)

     No, I'm reasonably sure that the Centauri vessels that came through were
considerably larger than the White Star; the problem, of course, is determining
size visually in space, where there isn't a reference point.


#: 412947 S23/Promenade Alpha
    07-Dec-95  18:23:44
Sb: #Another B5 Pun
Fm: Andrew Diseker 70714,105
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

        There is a feeling of unease when you give out these hints
of bad things to come.  Two-by-forboding.

        Andrew Diseker
        (Say, isn't that the Drazi Hockey team *and* the Narn Bat
        Squad? *WHAM* *WHAM* *WHAM*)

#: 412955 S23/Promenade Alpha
    07-Dec-95  18:37:42
Sb: #412947-#Another B5 Pun
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Andrew Diseker 70714,105 (X)

      The Nuremberg War Crimes Committee would like a word with you, Mr.


#: 413097 S5/Babylon 5: General
    07-Dec-95  23:24:45
Sb: #412732-#JMS resigns rastb5
Fm: Robt Martin 75663,2701
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)

Uh-oh, am I about to be hounded off of CIS?

Yeah, I was the original editor of Fangoria, the magazine dedicated to the
appreciation of some of the most godawful films ever made.

But it was a fun job, I did get to cover some decent little films that weren't
as hyped as the splatter franchises, and the magazine itself had a more
interesting "character" to it than the run-of-the-mill SF media magazines.
Besides, I'm a high school drop-out -- they weren't gonna put me in the
editor's chair at Time.

#: 413113 S5/Babylon 5: General
    08-Dec-95  00:44:58
Sb: #413097-JMS resigns rastb5
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Robt Martin 75663,2701

      Actually, the best thing about Fangoria are the conventions....


#: 413231 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    08-Dec-95  09:58:04
Sb: #412953-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626
To: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644 (X)


        < I guess I'm partly leery of going into my personal views on this
stuff too much because I'm very conscious of the position of "celebrity" in our
society, even as minor a celebrity as that of producer, of which there cannot
possibly be a smaller version of celebrity.>

        Is this the main reason you dislike it so much when someone calls you a

        I think that your "celebrity" status has been diminished quite a bit
here mainly through familiarity.  Many of us have know you here for a few years
now and one of the main things I think I've learned by knowing you is that just
because someone is famous, it doesn't mean that they're a better person than
anyone else.  Not that I don't respect you and your views and your work. I do,
but it's not because of any celebrity status, it's from seeing how you conduct
yourself on a day to day basis.  It's just hard to to have that celebrity
worship thing going with people you consider friends, or at least friendly
acquaintances.  Frankly, until I met you and Peter David and David Gerrold here
online I was as big a fanboy as the next guy when it came to people in show
business.  Now I realize you're just normal people who happen to be doing an
extraordinary job, and I have to thank you for that.
        I still think noted personalities is the best description.


     Guardian of the Republic
     General Pain in the Butt

#: 413425 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    08-Dec-95  18:28:14
Sb: #413231-#<Gethsemane questions>
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Tom Knudsen 72347,1626 (X)

      Yeah, I don't really buy into the celebrity notion; what I do is what I
do, no different than a teacher or an architect; both require varying levels of
creativity.  Main thing wrong with celebrity is that people start viewing you
differently...and Kosh help you if your own view of yourself starts to
reconcile too much with that new perception.


#: 413239 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    08-Dec-95  10:24:20
Sb: #Rerun Schedule Worry
Fm: Kevin Kenney 76072,1474
To: all

Let's see...

Last year, reruns didn't start till mid-December, after 7 episodes, vs. this
year's 4.
Last year the Feb. block started a week earlier and lasted 6 episodes, vs this
year's 5 (splitting the 'three-part changeover').

That puts Warners 4 shows behind, and suggests this year will be even worse
than last, with the addition of either:
1. New shows for the August sweeps, even though 'no one watches tv in August'.
2. More shows at the end-of-year, to simultaneously start with the Fall '96 tv

I'd suggest to jms that he should try to get the Feb block extended a week to
finish the three parter to start combatting this.  I do understand Warner's
position on this:  We won't tell you what to write; you don't tell us when to
schedule.   Sigh...

#: 413430 S6/Babylon 5: Upcoming
    08-Dec-95  18:35:19
Sb: #413239-Rerun Schedule Worry
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 71016,1644
To: Kevin Kenney 76072,1474

      I don't think I'll be able to change the schedule; my guess is that
they'll do a full run of episodes in July, which they did in our first year,
but didn't do in our second.


 * Brent Barrett    brent.barrett at *
 * Senior Software Engineer   Automedia, Inc *

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