Two B5 movies coming?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 9 06:28:13 EDT 1995

Subject: Two B5 movies coming?
+  1: Oct  7, 1995: petert at (Peter T)
+  2: Oct  7, 1995: scottm at (Malinda)
*  3: Oct  8, 1995: straczynski at


From: petert at (Peter T)
Lines: 20

The October issue of the UK magazine SFX includes the following
snippet. It's so short that I quote it in its entirety:

quote begins----------------------------------------------------------

Two Babylon 5 big screen movies are in the pipeline once the fifth -
and last - season of the TV series has been aired (assuming it goes
the distance, of course). They will, it's said, tell the final story
of the war with the Shadows...

quote ends -----------------------------------------------------------

No source is cited.

<petert at>
Up on the hill
People never stare
They just don't care


From: scottm at (Malinda)
Lines: 74

petert at (Peter T) wrote:

>The October issue of the UK magazine SFX includes the following
>snippet. It's so short that I quote it in its entirety:

>quote begins----------------------------------------------------------

>Two Babylon 5 big screen movies are in the pipeline once the fifth -
>and last - season of the TV series has been aired (assuming it goes
>the distance, of course). They will, it's said, tell the final story
>of the war with the Shadows...

>quote ends -----------------------------------------------------------

>No source is cited.

What a surprise - here is a repost of my criticism of this gutter
trash :

"Dr. Morbius" <alan at> wrote:

>It may interest you that the following has just appeared here in the UK.
>		Two babylon 5 big screen movies are in the
>		pipeline once the fifth - and last - season of
>		the TV series has been aired (assuming it
>		goes the distance, of course). They will, it's
>		said, tell the final story of the war with
>		the shadows...
>			Issue #5 of SFX magazine
>Is there something your not telling us?

You don't buy that rubbish do you ? 

For the benefit of our US readers it's the same magazine written by
guys who were staff editors (Matt Bielby) on mags like Your Spectrum
(the 48K Sinclair computer!!!) and other such noteworthy organs and
have progressed up the ranks. Journalists first and sf fans second.

They recently rubbished Space Above and Beyond on the basis of a poor
quality unfinished pirate copy that was missing most of its fx, had no
music and was not a final cut. To quote them "a rather sad and
despondent fare". 

In fact Glenn Morgan was prompted to reply >

"There is a sci fi magazine out in London which has published a review
of Space : above and beyond which is based on an incomplete
presentation meant only for the FOX network. This magazine is called
SFX magazine and I dream of the entire Chargers defensive line rushing
their office. It's a bad review which I'm fine with, in fact, a bunch
of stuff I agree. However the review is based on an underground,
unreleased tape in which 75% of the fx were incomplete, it did not
include Shirley Walker's music nor final cuts made to the picture.".

It's in this light that I view their movie reports with scorn and
scepticism - we don't even know that there will be a 4th series never
mind a 5th or 2 movies. It smacks of cheap sensationalism - the same
kind that sells tabloid trash like the National Enquirer (or the Sun
in the UK).

Buy Dreamwatch or TV Zone or Starburst for more reliable reports - SFX
is a sad piece of trash posing as a decent sf magazine compared to
these. Put it in the toilet where it belongs and stick to tried and
trusted magazines who only go to print with stories they are sure with
(well 99% of the time :-)  ).

You have been warned.

BTW Gharlane kindly pointed out that SFX stands fro sound effects
within the industry. Well they do say empty barrels make the most
noise  :-)


From: straczynski at
Lines: 6

     Formal reply: NO B5 movies are currently "in the pipeline," not one,
let alone two.  It's something Doug (my partner) has said he'd like to do
someday, but then he'd also like to fly under his own power.  There have
been NO formal discussions on this at all.

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