Attn: JMS Bab5 Soundtrack Season Two?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 13 06:27:13 EDT 1995

Subject: Attn: JMS Bab5 Soundtrack Season Two?
+  1: Oct 11, 1995: wsquier at (William Squier)
+  2: Oct 12, 1995: hackbod at ada.CS.ORST.EDU (Dianne Hackborn)
*  3: Oct 12, 1995: straczynski at


From: wsquier at (William Squier)
Lines: 21

I finally got ahold of the Babylon 5 Soundtrack.  Incredible stuff.  I was
slightly disappointed to find that it was just season one.  There was some
incredible music in season two ("The Coming of Shadows" comes to mind).

I was wondering if there are any plans to release a soundtrack of season
two music.  It might be redundant.  But with so much good music in this
series, a five disc set (one for each season) would be nice.

Also, this is off topic, and probably has already been answered.  But when
are the widescreen laserdiscs of the episodes that I keep hearing about
supposed to be released in the US.  I'm willing to order imports (paid $75
to get Pulp Fiction on LD 4 months ago), but I'll wait if they will be
released in the US sometime soon.

Thanks alot, and congratulations on a truly great series.  You have given
me new hope in the American Sci-Fi genre.

---------------------------------------------------------------------|      William Squier      |  There are three things I can't stand  |
| wsquier at |  about the Internet.  Buzzwords, lame  |
|    |  web pages, and The Microsoft Network  |


From: hackbod at ada.CS.ORST.EDU (Dianne Hackborn)
Lines: 16

Hark!  The herald wsquier at (William Squier) posts:
| I finally got ahold of the Babylon 5 Soundtrack.  Incredible stuff.  I was
| slightly disappointed to find that it was just season one.  There was some
| incredible music in season two ("The Coming of Shadows" comes to mind).

The official release of the soundtrack -does- have music from season two,
on tracks 10 to 12...  which are named "The Coming of Shadows," and
surprisingly [considering the names of the other tracks :)] actually have a
fair amount of music from that episode.

__  Dianne Kyra Hackborn | "Every natural human urge has been thwarted in 
\/    Oregon State Univ. | one way or another, so that some cocksucker gets 
     hackbod at | to make a dollar off your guilt."                
  CS Graduate Submissive |                                    -- Frank Zappa


From: straczynski at
Lines: 4

     Actually, there is some year two music on the CD, on the last two
suites.  No schedule yet on disks.

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