ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11 -- Markab??

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Oct 14 06:30:41 EDT 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11 -- Markab??
+  1: Oct 12, 1995: wbe at (Winston Edmond)
+  2: Oct 13, 1995: hardin at (Hardin Brett Arvid)
*  3: Oct 13, 1995: straczynski at


From: wbe at (Winston Edmond)
Lines: 16

   I haven't seen the Final Four yet, and I've avoided most of the spoilers.
Maybe if I'd seen them I'd have an answer, but at the moment, I'm confused.

   A *live* Markab?  B5 comic #11's "now" looks like it's supposed to follow
_Divided Loyalties_.  However, on page 2, Diane says one of the business
people we see is a *Markab* trader, which would put "now" before _Confessions
and Lamentations_.

   The easy out (if you need one) is to say "she was mistaken".  You can do
that because (1) it makes no difference to the story whether it was a Markab
or not, and (2) it lets you take advantage of art work inaccuracy -- "Markab?
How could she think that was a Markab?  Markab don't look anything like
that!".  :-)

   Or, is this evidence that some Markab still survive?


From: hardin at (Hardin Brett Arvid)
Lines: 31

Winston Edmond (wbe at wrote:
|    I haven't seen the Final Four yet, and I've avoided most of the spoilers.
| Maybe if I'd seen them I'd have an answer, but at the moment, I'm confused.

|    A *live* Markab?  B5 comic #11's "now" looks like it's supposed to follow
| _Divided Loyalties_.  However, on page 2, Diane says one of the business
| people we see is a *Markab* trader, which would put "now" before _Confessions
| and Lamentations_.

|    The easy out (if you need one) is to say "she was mistaken".  You can do
| that because (1) it makes no difference to the story whether it was a Markab
| or not, and (2) it lets you take advantage of art work inaccuracy -- "Markab?
| How could she think that was a Markab?  Markab don't look anything like
| that!".  :-)

Well, it may be an error.  It is noted in the show that "A few isolated
colonies may have survived" and a Markab trader would be pretty isolated
I would assume.  He'd probably be pretty ticked off though (assuming he
even knew)

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From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

     There's nothing that I'm aware of in comic #11 that would place it
after "Confessions."  It's a general pamphlet prepared by Psi Corps some
time before.

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