JMS on Compuserve: October 7, 1995

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 19 17:00:41 EDT 1995

Subject: JMS on Compuserve: October 7, 1995
*  1: Oct  7, 1995: The Green Meddler <kilgalen at>


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Subj:  Major B5/ST News			Section: Star Trek
  To:  William H. DiPaola, 76521,1751	Friday, October 06, 1995 1:56:11 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#358892

     William: you may want to consider scaling back the Trekker hits just a bit; I understand the emotions, but I think 
we've moved beyond that.


Subj:  KCOP & B5?			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Anthony Ho, 72440,1650		Saturday, October 07, 1995 12:36:08 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#359556

     The local ads are the responsibility of the local stations.


Subj:  Episodes Evaluation		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Jeannette Fornadel, 76371,3057	Saturday, October 07, 1995 12:36:12 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#359557

     I'd also put "Grail" in my list of least-favorite eps from year one, along with "Infection" and "War Prayer."

     We're shooting the two-parter as 15 and 16, but airing them as 13 and 14, in order to accommodate the need to 
have the same director do both halves.  It's a matter of working around the schedule of directors when they're 
available, and that's when Adam's available.


Subj:  VOYAGER'S BAD TREK		Section: Star Trek
  To:  Mary Taylor, 75530,2650		Friday, October 06, 1995 8:19:24 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#359294

     Actually, let me correct myself on one point; just to be sure of my quote, I went back and checked the LA Times 
article, and the most pertinent comment came not from Berman/Piller but from Kerry McCluggage, who is the 
Chairman of the Paramount Pictures Television Group (i.e., the man who makes all the final decisions on the life and 
death of the Mountain's syndicated series, and the UPN series).

     McCluggage, the article states, "pointed out that Next Generation and the original Star Trek series still air in 
repeats in hundreds of markets. 'If you on some level buy the concept that there's a finite number of Star Trek 
viewers, who only have so much time to watch their favorite program, it's going to split the pie a little bit."

     Offered in the interests of accuracy.


Subj:  VOYAGER'S BAD TREK		Section: Star Trek
  To:  William H. DiPaola, 76521,1751	Saturday, October 07, 1995 12:36:07 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#359555

     Oh, there's no question that they need to bring up the ratings on DS9, that's a separate issue, however.  They 
need the ratings up because Paramount sells ads based on figures determined by ratings.  They've promised certain 
levels of ratings, and if the show doesn't pull those numbers, they have to give money *back*.  So it's definitely in 
their interests to keep the ratings up for as long as the show is on the air.

     And, again, this is more the corporate POV of the situation.  The potential revenue for their new network *far* 
outmatches what any single syndicated show could pull in, and if the latter poses any kind of threat to the 
ain't a contest.  Even Berman, in the same article, wonders if they may have come close to "going to the well too 

     So we'll have to see...clearly, many of those involved with the show want it to continue, as do the fans...we'll have 
to see if the corporate types feel the same way.


Subj:  B5 Wallpaper??			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  William H. DiPaola, 76521,1751	Friday, October 06, 1995 1:56:15 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#358893

     In about 4 weeks there will be an official B5 screen saver from Sound Source, which has 150 images/wallpaper 
sources, .avi and .wav files.


Subj:  Katsulas/Mahabharata?		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Elyse M. Grasso, 70302,3304	Friday, October 06, 1995 2:03:22 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#358899

     Yikes, I haven't got a clue on that one.  When I see Andreas next, I'll try to remember to ask him, assuming it 
doesn't fall out of my head in the meantime, a good probability.


Subj:  B5 Aliens			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Chad Underkoffler, 102512,1310	Friday, October 06, 1995 2:12:08 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#358911

     Just to clarify...Sinclair was a Catholic, taught by Jesuits; Garibaldi is basically an atheist.


Subj:  B5 Aliens			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Jeannette Fornadel, 76371,3057	Saturday, October 07, 1995 12:53:13 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#359569

     "...the only B5 race that I find myself occasionally getting annoyed with is the Earthers."


     Because anything else is 'way too easy.


Subj:  Re: B5 Comic			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Asha DeVelder, 76703,4322	Saturday, October 07, 1995 12:53:12 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#359568

      As noted elsewhere, there are going to be more B5 comics as one-shots and miniseries...Tim DeHaas is doing 
one set during the Earth/Minbari War (I'm doing a lot of consulting on that one to provide canon background on who 
was where, when, doing what), and I've begun a 4-issue mini tentatively entitled "The Book of the War," which 
chronicles much of our new Ranger character.



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