ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11 -- Markab??

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 19 06:33:02 EDT 1995

+  1: Oct 12, 1995: wbe at (Winston Edmond)
+  2: Oct 13, 1995: hardin at (Hardin Brett Arvid)
*  3: Oct 13, 1995: straczynski at
   4: Oct 13, 1995: iu at (Tritium)
   5: Oct 13, 1995: wbe at (Winston Edmond)
   6: Oct 13, 1995: wbe at (Winston Edmond)
   7: Oct 13, 1995: klr at (Kurt Reisler)
   8: Oct 13, 1995: "Julian P. Graham" <jpgraham at>
   9: Oct 14, 1995: wbe at (Winston Edmond)
+ 10: Oct 17, 1995: spacrime at (Chris Aylott/Deb Tomaselli)
* 11: Oct 18, 1995: straczynski at


From: wbe at (Winston Edmond)
Lines: 16

   I haven't seen the Final Four yet, and I've avoided most of the spoilers.
Maybe if I'd seen them I'd have an answer, but at the moment, I'm confused.

   A *live* Markab?  B5 comic #11's "now" looks like it's supposed to follow
_Divided Loyalties_.  However, on page 2, Diane says one of the business
people we see is a *Markab* trader, which would put "now" before _Confessions
and Lamentations_.

   The easy out (if you need one) is to say "she was mistaken".  You can do
that because (1) it makes no difference to the story whether it was a Markab
or not, and (2) it lets you take advantage of art work inaccuracy -- "Markab?
How could she think that was a Markab?  Markab don't look anything like
that!".  :-)

   Or, is this evidence that some Markab still survive?


From: hardin at (Hardin Brett Arvid)
Lines: 31

Winston Edmond (wbe at wrote:
|    I haven't seen the Final Four yet, and I've avoided most of the spoilers.
| Maybe if I'd seen them I'd have an answer, but at the moment, I'm confused.

|    A *live* Markab?  B5 comic #11's "now" looks like it's supposed to follow
| _Divided Loyalties_.  However, on page 2, Diane says one of the business
| people we see is a *Markab* trader, which would put "now" before _Confessions
| and Lamentations_.

|    The easy out (if you need one) is to say "she was mistaken".  You can do
| that because (1) it makes no difference to the story whether it was a Markab
| or not, and (2) it lets you take advantage of art work inaccuracy -- "Markab?
| How could she think that was a Markab?  Markab don't look anything like
| that!".  :-)

Well, it may be an error.  It is noted in the show that "A few isolated
colonies may have survived" and a Markab trader would be pretty isolated
I would assume.  He'd probably be pretty ticked off though (assuming he
even knew)

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From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

     There's nothing that I'm aware of in comic #11 that would place it
after "Confessions."  It's a general pamphlet prepared by Psi Corps some
time before.


From: spacrime at (Chris Aylott/Deb Tomaselli)
Lines: 100

iu at (Tritium) wrote:

>In article <199510131015.AA054589329 at>,
> <straczynski at> wrote:
>>     There's nothing that I'm aware of in comic #11 that would place it
>>after "Confessions."  It's a general pamphlet prepared by Psi Corps some
>>time before.
>>                                                                     jms
>Um, yes there is, sort of;

>Spoilers follow for Divided Loyalties

> Confessions comes before Divided Loyalties and in that episode Talia Winters
>leaves the station after her mind is (radically) altered. In the comic you
>see Winters on the front cover but the telepath presenting the comic who
>says she works on B5 is not Winters or Lyta Alexander. Hence she must be 
>Winters replacement hence the comic occurs after both Confession and Divided
>Loyalties. Or have I missed something?? Bye,  

How about: "Psi Corps is lying"? There's a couple of key
inconsistencies here and there in the comic book -- they claim one of
the heroes of the Battle of the Line was a Psi Corps telepath flying
for the Earth Alliance, but the episode "Eyes" specifically notes that
psis aren't allowed in Earthforce (it's why Harriman Gray was forced
to be a military liasion instead). Even if this is just a continuity
goof, Psi Corps' account of the battle is definitely slanted to make
them look good.

Who's to say Psi Corps didn't make up a "Diane" character to host the
comic book, instead of using Talia, which might have been inconvenient
(they'd probably need her permission, being the "star" of the book
might interfere with her work ["Look mommy, there's the telepath in
the comic book, can I get her autograph please please please?"], etc.)

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From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

     Tritium: you actually believe *anything* in a PsiCorps propaganda
booklet?  Only about 10% of what's recorded in that booklet is true, and
even that's distorted.  The character in the booklet is totally fictional.

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