Duplicate messages on B5JMS

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Oct 21 13:28:36 EDT 1995

In the past 2 days two majordomo bugs were tickled.  I thought I'd explain
to you what happened:

(1) A race condition in the generation of digest volume numbers, which
resulted in digests 1.5 and 1.6 being sent ok, but digest 1.6 was mistakenly
numbered 1.5.  So digest subscribers saw two digests named 1.5, but one of
them was actually 1.6.  I fixed the digest names by hand, in the archives.

(2) You received 5 copies of a message with subject "ATTN JMS: B5 Comic #11
-- Markab?"  The first two were legal messages generated by the list's
script (b/c JMS replied twice in that thread).  The last 3 were duplicates,
the result of a buggy and hideously misconfigured sendmail.cf file on some
site.  It managed to bounce the message such that it appeared "legal" to
majordomo, hence it got posted to the list.  Needless to say, majordomo
should not have allowed the post, but at the same time site administrators
should keep their email system in shape.  To avoid this from happening again
from that site, I've unsubscribed the offending site and am dealing with
their postmaster.

Sorry for the trouble.

B5JMS Poster.
<b5jms-owner at majordomo.cs.columbia.edu>

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