Attn JMS: I (think I) got it!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 29 06:26:02 EST 1995

Subject: Attn JMS: I (think I) got it!
+  1: Oct 25, 1995: binklmj5 at (Mathew J. Binkley)
+  2: Oct 27, 1995: vinay at (Vinay Pandey)
*  3: Oct 28, 1995: straczynski at


From: binklmj5 at (Mathew J. Binkley)
Lines: 17


I've got two quick questions:  

1.  When Keffer, Cortez, etc., saw the Shadow ships in hyperspace, were the 
    Shadows merely flitting through, or were they "trolling", hoping to 
    be noticed?

2.  Might the defeat of the Narns be a "good" thing, as the Shadow's 
    attentions will now be directed elsewhere?

Mathew Binkley                Graduate Student - Wake Forest University
1525 Woods Rd. Apt 110        Department of Physics      
Winston-Salem, NC  27106      Email:  binklmj5 at
Phone:  (910) 922-6382        WWW:


From: vinay at (Vinay Pandey)
Lines: 25

Mathew J. Binkley (binklmj5 at wrote:

: 1.  When Keffer, Cortez, etc., saw the Shadow ships in hyperspace, were the 
:     Shadows merely flitting through, or were they "trolling", hoping to 
:     be noticed?

Knowing that the shadows were trying to stay hidden until they were
ready, I would say that they were doing shadow-deeds when they were
scene by Keffer and Gallus. There are better ways to get noticed than
"trolling" in 'space.

: 2.  Might the defeat of the Narns be a "good" thing, as the Shadow's 
:     attentions will now be directed elsewhere?

I would think that the defeat was a "bad" thing since now the shadows
actions will not be clandestine. The Shadows weren't really paying
attention to the Narn-Centauri battle, but were simply trying to complete
their own plans while the N-C kept everyone else busy.


Vinay Pandey  vinay at  | I am not following you --
Georgia Institute of Technology    |   you're just walking in front of me.
Atlanta Georgia 30332______________|


From: straczynski at
Lines: 4

     Shadows weren't trolling, just passing through; the Narn fall is not
in the best interests of the army of light.


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