Attn Jms: More PKD in B5, what's the connection?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 31 06:31:28 EST 1995

Subject: Attn Jms: More PKD in B5, what's the connection?
+  1: Oct 23, 1995: j. ercole <joee at>
   2: Oct 24, 1995: kingpin at (Michael J. King Sr.)
+  3: Oct 24, 1995: csjjh at (Jonathan J. Hunt)
*  4: Oct 27, 1995: straczynski at
   5: Oct 28, 1995: losman94 at (Carlos G Diaz III )
   6: Oct 28, 1995: brownj at (James Vaughn Brown)
   7: Oct 30, 1995: rgswartz at (rgswartz on BIX)
   8: Oct 30, 1995: Sean_P._Murphy at (Sean P. Murphy)
+  9: Oct 30, 1995: bedii at (Bruce Durocher II)
* 10: Oct 31, 1995: straczynski at


From: j. ercole <joee at>
Lines: 15

OK, OK let¹s give Phil his due.  The character name Garabaldi is from
Ubik, the character name Kosh is from Radio Free Albemuth, the episode
name exegenis matches Phil Dick¹s exegenis at the end of valis.  All
coincidences, I think not!  Just pony up and admit PKD is the greatest
sci-fi writer of any and all time and I¹ll leave you alone.  Look, if
this whole thing¹s about that ugly row between Harlan and Phil I can take
it, answer me by e-mail, I won¹t tell a soul.
Seriously though joe, I don¹t know if I¹ve missed it or if you¹ve never
had any comments about Phil Dick and where he stands in your ³pantheon². 
I¹m going to keep looking for more names in PKD¹s work so Œfess up now
and save yourself further humiliation.
j. ercole
joee at
ny, usa
pgp public key at:


From: csjjh at (Jonathan J. Hunt)
Lines: 21

In article <46gn6o$cfd at>, j. ercole  <joee at> wrote:
>OK, OK let¹s give Phil his due.  The character name Garabaldi is from
>Ubik, the character name Kosh is from Radio Free Albemuth, the episode
>name exegenis matches Phil Dick¹s exegenis at the end of valis.  All
>coincidences, I think not!  Just pony up and admit PKD is the greatest
>sci-fi writer of any and all time and I¹ll leave you alone.  Look, if
>this whole thing¹s about that ugly row between Harlan and Phil I can take
>it, answer me by e-mail, I won¹t tell a soul.
>Seriously though joe, I don¹t know if I¹ve missed it or if you¹ve never
>had any comments about Phil Dick and where he stands in your ³pantheon². 
>I¹m going to keep looking for more names in PKD¹s work so Œfess up now
>and save yourself further humiliation.
>j. ercole
>joee at
>ny, usa
>pgp public key at:



From: straczynski at
Lines: 10

     Nope, sorry.  "Garibaldi" comes from the Italian war hero of the
same name.  Have never read Dick's "Exegenis," and that has nothing to
do with "Exogenesis" the episode.  Don't know anything about any row
between PKD and HE.

     I'm chagrined to say that I've read *very* little of Dick's work,
though I did read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," which of course
became Blade Runner.  He just got a wee bit weird, even for me.



From: bedii at (Bruce Durocher II)
Lines: 21

straczynski at wrote:

:      I'm chagrined to say that I've read *very* little of Dick's work,
: though I did read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," which of course
: became Blade Runner.  He just got a wee bit weird, even for me.

:                                                                jms

	If you ever see a pile of the magazine "Unearth" in the dealer's 
room of a convention, you might look it over.  As a service, they printed 
the first sale of a well-known pro in each issue, with a commentary by 
that pro.  Dick's "Roog" was one, with a very nice explanation as to 
where the original idea came from.
	*And*, if you get volume 1, number 1, you can read the first
reprinting of Harlan Ellison's first sale (Glowworm) in the twenty years
since it came out.  It's *not* been reprinted since for obvious
reasons--Ellison quotes James Blish's review of it as "the single worst
story ever published in the field of science fiction."  I wouldn't call 
it *that* bad, but it's almost unrecognizable from his current work.


From: straczynski at
Lines: 16

     Okay, I've just read a bunch more of these...okay, I admit it, you
got me...I'm doing Philip K. Dick right down the line...and I'm also
doing George Orwell right down the line...and I'm doing Lord of the
Rings beat for beat...and Chalker...and...and Cherryh...and I'm doing
a variation on the Bible, and King Arthur, and the history of Babylon,
and the Idylls of the King....

     What?  What's that you say?  You can't be doing all of these right
down the line, all at the same time?  Sure I can.  Because there IS no
B5.  There's a blank signal that registers in your brain, triggering the
last thing you read, or the most important thing you read.  It's a
carefully rigged US Government psychological warfare experiment.

     I give up.


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