ATT JMS: Shorter episodes?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 31 06:31:44 EST 1995

Subject: ATT JMS: Shorter episodes?
+  1: Oct 25, 1995: vthai at (Lieutenant V'thai)
+  2: Oct 26, 1995: maria at (-montalvo m.a.)
*  3: Oct 31, 1995: straczynski at


From: vthai at (Lieutenant V'thai)
Lines: 31

Mr. Straczynski,

While watching the first 3 of the final four episodes of season 2 now
airing (which I've enjoyed immensely, by the way! >:-] ), I couldn't help
noticing that the episodes sans commercials now clock in at around 42
minutes, whereas prior to the rerun break they were coming in at 44

Furthermore, formerly all commercial breaks save the second were 2 minutes
in duration.  Now they are all at least 3 minutes in duration (one of them
is 4 minutes).

Can you comment on this?  Is the station clipping parts of the episodes, or
clipping out random frames?  The SFX scenes did not flow smoothly.

Also a complaint (if you can do something about it, or send it on to
someone who can):  Last night's episode of "Comes the Inquisitor" was
recorded badly onto the station's tape, and there were MANY glitches.
These glitches appeared to result from an incorrectly-erased tape being
used to record the satellite downlink.  The station is KASA ch.2 in
Albuquerque, NM.

Apologies for having presented two issues in one article, but I
respectfully request your answer to both in your followup.

Thank you.

Lieutenant V'thai     \
Warbird Zha'sa    <*>  + --
Romulan Fleet          /


From: maria at (-montalvo m.a.)
Lines: 18

In article <DH0H2o.2sF.0.fleet at>,
Lieutenant V'thai <vthai at> wrote:
>While watching the first 3 of the final four episodes of season 2 now
>airing (which I've enjoyed immensely, by the way! >:-] ), I couldn't help
>noticing that the episodes sans commercials now clock in at around 42
>minutes, whereas prior to the rerun break they were coming in at 44
>Furthermore, formerly all commercial breaks save the second were 2 minutes
>in duration.  Now they are all at least 3 minutes in duration (one of them
>is 4 minutes).

All my taped episodes run close to 43 minutes.  And for at least a year,
the first commercial break has been 2:30, and the second 4:05 (I haven't
timed the rest, but I think they're at least 2:30).



From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

     I don't believe the length of the show has changed much more than a
few seconds; if there are minutes missing, it's something happening at
your end of the signal.


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