JMS, you tease! (STV spoilers)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Sun Apr 21 06:18:26 EDT 1996

Subject: JMS, you tease! (STV spoilers)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr 19, 1996: raasch at (Christine C. Raasch)
+  2: Apr 19, 1996: cortese at (Janis Maria C. C. Cortese)
*  3: Apr 20, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: raasch at (Christine C. Raasch)
Lines: 47

<* Minor Spoilers for Sic Transit Vir *>

<* hope these "Spoiler Characters" work... *>



After watching that kissus interruptus scene with Sheridan and Delenn,
I'm convinced you are the most incorrigible tease in La-la-land.

Lucky for you it was broadcast _this_ week, not last, or we might
have beseeched the ba-b5ers to exact retribution at Syndicon using
wet noodles and feathers (with Madame Alta leading the charge?).

I'm surprised the "hurt-comfort" crowd hasn't hit the ceiling yet,
what with Delenn undressing the injured Captain and all...

- Chris
Christine C. Raasch <*> Neuromuscular Biomechanist <*> Bikerbabe
Rehab Inst of Chicago <*> Northwestern Univ <*> 86 Nighthawk 700S


From: cortese at (Janis Maria C. C. Cortese)
Lines: 56

In article <raasch-1904961139320001 at> raasch at writes:
><* Minor Spoilers for Sic Transit Vir *>
><* hope these "Spoiler Characters" work... *>
>After watching that kissus interruptus scene with Sheridan and Delenn,
>I'm convinced you are the most incorrigible tease in La-la-land.

Ah, so I wasn't the only viewer SCREAMING at the TV at that point?

>I'm surprised the "hurt-comfort" crowd hasn't hit the ceiling yet,
>what with Delenn undressing the injured Captain and all...

Give `enm time.  The slashers have already gotten hold of the show.

*evil leer*,
cortese at             
Homepage includes Feminism, Lefthanders, and Second Amendment Links!
   There was an old man                Said with a laugh, "I
   From Peru, whose lim'ricks all      Cut them in half, the pay is
   Look'd like haiku. He               Much better for two."



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

Me?  A tease?  Moi?  I just report the news, I don't make it.

The kiss is coming.  But I wanted to do it in such a way that it somewhat
unexpected, in a way that would have even more weight than under any other
possible conditions.  How do you turn a kiss into a wham?  (Aside from
kissing the right person, natch.)  Stay tuned....


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