ALDFA (**NO** Spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Apr 28 06:15:27 EDT 1996

Subject: ALDFA (**NO** Spoilers)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr 26, 1996: Andrew Hackard <hackard at>
+  2: Apr 26, 1996: erbec001 at (Patrick McKinnion)
*  3: Apr 26, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Andrew Hackard <hackard at>
Lines: 14

Just wanted to commend Chris Franke for the music in this episode.  It
was vastly different from what he's done for B5 before, and it sounded
vaguely AmerIndian to me, or possibly Oriental...but it *fit*.  It was
awesome.  I loved it.  (etc.)

It had bloody well *better* be on the new CD, or someone will have some
'splaining to do.

Oh, BTW: 8.75.  I liked this one a lot.
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 of the Communications Decency Act?"    <*> favor of the CDA is invited to
"Well, we're screwed."                  <*> lick my penis until I ejaculate.


From: erbec001 at (Patrick McKinnion)
Lines: 23

In article <199604260635.BAA28294 at>, Andrew Hackard
<hackard at> wrote:

> Just wanted to commend Chris Franke for the music in this episode.  It
> was vastly different from what he's done for B5 before, and it sounded
> vaguely AmerIndian to me, or possibly Oriental...but it *fit*.  It was
> awesome.  I loved it.  (etc.)
> It had bloody well *better* be on the new CD, or someone will have some
> 'splaining to do.

   That's a second here !     The first comment I made after watching
ALDFA was "....Damm, I want that music !"    

   I felt that parts had a more Celtic flair to them, rather than Asian or
Native American, but over !

   - Patrick McKinnion

<*>   SP2
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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 10

I agree, I think Chris did a great job on this one (he's done some
spectacular work overall this season, on Severed, Interludes, Ship and
others later this season).  What I'd told him in this case I wanted was as
much as possible in the way of natural instruments as opposed to synth, so
that it fit more with the feel of the episode.


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