404, FTA, More JMS Stuff

Brent Barrett bbarrett at speedlink.com
Wed Dec 4 03:12:14 EST 1996


#: 620451 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    02-Dec-96  20:35:07
Sb: #619889-#Falling Toward Reason
To: J. Michael Straczynski 

Joe, did Kosh2 try to zap Delenn for any particular reason, or was he just
honked off and going for the most vulnerable target?

#: 620833 S6/Babylon 5: Spoilers
    03-Dec-96  15:16:28
Sb: #620451-#Falling Toward Reason
Fm: J. Michael Straczynski 

       Probably both.


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