Why does JMS make you laugh right before horrifying you? (Spoilers for #403)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Thu Dec 5 06:39:47 EST 1996

Subject: Why does JMS make you laugh right before horrifying you? (Spoilers for #403)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec  4, 1996: Donsem at cris.com (Don Semmens)
*  2: Dec  4, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com


From: Donsem at cris.com (Don Semmens)
Lines: 46

Spoilers for The Summoning (#403):

I was watching "The Summoning" for the x-time tonight.  The scene
before the 39 lashes has Londo and Vir meeting to go into the
torture room.  The guard opens the door and they both stand there,
neither one of them wanting to enter.  Londo looks at Vir and
motions for him to enter.  Vir, the good aide, motions for Londo 
to go first.  That little bit of comedy had me LOL when all of the 
sudden I realized what was coming next.  I then watched the 
horrifying long drawn-out scene, once again amazed at emotional 
roller coaster that is Babylon 5.

"And when I sweep my floor, all I've done is sweep my floor.  But, when I 
help you clean up your place, I am helping you."  Rev. Will Dexter (Babylon 5)

Don Semmens <*>, Richmond, VA, h--donsem at cris.com, w--don at mwbb.com


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com
Lines: 11

It's the roller coaster theory: if you move someone to horror or fear or
shock from a neutral place, the emotional jump is less than if they're
laughing...then suddenly you whipsaw them into the absolute emotional


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