Joe's Relationship with B5 Viewers

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Dec 28 06:21:09 EST 1996

Subject: Joe's Relationship with B5 Viewers
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec 27, 1996: "R. Cliff Thompson" <cthompson at FHU.EDU>
*  2: Dec 28, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "R. Cliff Thompson" <cthompson at FHU.EDU>
Lines: 22

I continue to be fascinated by the close, personal contact you keep with 
the viewers who participate in this newsgroup. Many even send you silver 
pins or newspaper clippings. I don't mean to brown nose, but do any 
other producers maintain this level of dialogue with their viewers?

I also wonder how often the group reads too much into an incident on the 
show or an entire episode? It's fun to speculate... to try to immerse 
yourself in the world of B5. But there must come a point when you turn 
away from the keyboard and laugh "it's just a tv show".

Thanks always for your gracious responses, and for the excellent work 
done by you, the cast and the production team.

R. Cliff Thompson
Director of Theatre		Phone: 901-989-6780
Freed-Hardeman University	E-mail: cthompson at
Henderson, TN 38340

"Serving the Lion of Judah through the performing arts."


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 21

" any other producers maintain this level of dialogue with their

None that I'm aware of.  Some maintain a presence on-line on an occasional
basis, or on one or two services, or have someone filter their
messages...but none at this level that I can name.  

"But there must come a point when you turn away from the keyboard and
laugh "it's just a tv show"."

It is...?  Good heavens...then what's that Vorlon doing in the living


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