GREEN MEDDLER'S JMS on CompuServe 1/2/96

DeAnna Miller dmille12 at
Tue Jan 2 21:48:02 EST 1996

Subj:  The Encounter (UK Con)    Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Ruth Ballam      Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:08:07 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421134

     Well, suffice to say I'd love to see "A Close Shave." 
But at the same time, I  have to be mindful of copyrights and
the like.  So, basically, I suppose I'm  screwed....


Subj:  G'kar/Cassandra        Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Chris Gardiner   Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:08:06 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421133

      <Quoting Chris Gardiner to JMS>:

      >You're twisted.  <snip>    And I love you forever.

     Thank you.  That's m'job.


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  John Bonavita    Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:14:15 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421136

     Now that the fan club has been officially announced,
though the organizational  aspects are just now starting, we
may try and gear up to hold an official B5  convention in
about a year.  What we've talked about is the idea of having
it here  in LA, so we could have best chance of getting as
many cast members as  possible.  We'd also try and run it so
that it was as close as possible to a fan-run  convention in
the feeling it created; and as well as cast members and the
like,  there would be seminars and presentations by our people
in prosthetics,  wardrobe, makeup, art direction, props and
other areas, so it'd be a real learning  opportunity.

     But, again, that's at least a year down the road.


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  The Jawa / Jawa #2  Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:30
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421206

      <Quoting The Jawa / Jawa #2 to JMS>:

      >B5 is heading in Trek's direction: very low-key while
      >it's on the air, and  then comes it's fame.

     That's the key, I think; I have a suspicion that, like
the original ST, our main  attention will likely come after
we've finished our complete run. The show was  designed to be
seen in a stripped (once daily) fashion, that's when you
really can  see the arc moving quickly.  And on TNT, once it
hits that distributer, it'll finally  have what it has never
had before in this country: a national broadcaster and a 
regular timeslot.  Once that happens, I expect that what
happened in the UK will  happen here'll be


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Philip Hornsey   Wednesday, December 27, 1995 8:31:31
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #422232

     Starting 1998, the show will appear in daily form on TNT;
it's already been  sold to there.


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Philip Hornsey   Friday, December 29, 1995 9:16:09 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423101

       "Nice to see you making money."

       Well, WB, anyway.  I get a net profit on the series,
which means after all the  costs have been taken out...which
in turn means that the show will never show a  profit (on
paper), so I ain't getting a dime of the TNT sale.


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Chris Croughton  Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:26 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423906

     Re: studios and their income tax situations...puh-LEASE,
show some  decorum; I deal in science fiction, not fantasy....


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  The Jawa / Jawa #2  Monday, January 01, 1996 7:15:16 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424182

      {regarding how long it took to get the "Kosh scene" just

     It took, literally, months of trial and error, design and
redesign, which is why  we did it as the last episode of that


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Carl Bussjaeger  Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:00 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421207

      {regarding how to join the fan club}

     As soon as those details have been worked out, we'll post
them.  As it is we  just *barely* got the paperwork in hand
authorizing us to proceed; now comes  doing it.


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Burhaan  Ahmad   Monday, December 25, 1995 2:27:24 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421255

      <Quoting Burhaan Ahmad to JMS>:

      >You said you would like to make the  tapes yourself,
      >since WB obviously won't.  Does Babylonian have the
      >resources  to pull it off to the quality you desire? 
      >I know little about the industry, but it seems  to me
      >that it would be an expensive operation.  Or would you
      >look to lisence the  rights to someone other than WB
      >(assuming they'd allow it)?

     That's something we're trying to decide now.  If we did
them ourselves, it'd  almost certainly be on a limited-edition
basis, to control quality.


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Susan Law        Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:02 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421208

      {regarding joining fan club, etc}

     The details should be posted sometime after the first
part of the year. Re:'s okay to be pissed about
that; it was intended to have that reaction.   Things *should*
get us annoyed when Psi Corps pulls a stunt like that.  And we
haven't heard the last of what happened to Talia, btw.  That's
the B5 universe for  you....


Subj:  B5Convention           Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Asha DeVelder    Tuesday, December 26, 1995 5:54:05 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421573

      {still on fan club and convention}

     We'll have more info on all this over the next few


Subj:  New to B5              Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Theo Thourson    Sunday, December 24, 1995 6:14:16 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421137

     Actually, what you'll generally find is that if you watch
a few more eps, the  background is usually included.  Besides,
in the next batch of new episodes, we  kind of redefine the
very nature of the series, so in a way this is the best time
to  come aboard.


Subj:  New to B5              Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  STEVIE ADAM      Friday, December 29, 1995 9:16:11 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423102

      <Quoting Stevie Adam to JMS>:

      >Please, is there any way to threaten Channel 4 In the
      >UK with a Centauri takeover  to get them to show series
      >3 here before mid 96?

     I think it'll be spring, not mid-1996; also, remember
that they don't break up the  show with reruns, they air
straight through, and the episodes have to be  *finished* in
time for them to air them straight through (and I think WB is
trying to  avoid the problem last time of stuff airing in the
UK first).  But as yet I haven't  heard a final date on this.


Subj:  Publicity! Wow!        Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Anne L. Warner   Sunday, December 24, 1995 10:42:29 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421205

      <Quoting Anne L. Warner to JMS>:

      >Here in New England, both WSBK  (Boston) and WNDS
      >(Derry, NH) seem to have decided to try actually
      >promoting  Babylon 5.

     Thanks; that's good to know, and definitely a welcome


Subj:  <Zack in CoS>          Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Jon Wolf         Tuesday, December 26, 1995 5:54:03 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421572

      <Quoting Jon Wolf to JMS>:

      >I just re-watched Coming of Shadows, and I think we got
      >our introduction to  Zack in this show. 

     I'm not sure though that that's the first time we saw
Zack; I keep thinking it was  earlier...I seem to remember him
breaking up a fight as the first time we saw  him.


Subj:  * *B5 in New Orleans* *   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Philip Hornsey         December 27, 1995 8:31:30 PM 
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #422231

      <Quoting Philip Hornsey to JMS>:

      >We just had a *huge* shake up in affiliation down here
      >(three stations swapped  Fox -- ABC -- WB) and I am
      >afraid to guess at what it did to us. Have you any info
      >on the state of B5 in the New Orleans market?

      Dunno how this is gonna shake out yet....


Subj:  USS Runnymede -Newsflash   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Debbie Gardiner  Thursday, December 28, 1995 2:55:18 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #422367

      <Quoting Debbie Gardiner to JMS>:

      >The Uss Runnymede is pleased to announce that on 6th
      >January 1996, Babylon  5's  newest cast member Jason
      >Carter (Ranger Marcus Cole), will be appearing  at our
      >monthly meeting.

     Then perhaps for the one night Jason's there you could
rename the place the  EAS Runnymede, which is the standard
useage on Earth Alliance Starships, as  in the EAS Agamem-


Subj:  <CTI - East End>       Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  SysOp Dupa T. Parrot   December 29, 1995 9:16:16 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423104

      <Quoting SysOp Dupa T. Parrot to JMS>:

      >On tonight's rerun of "Comes The Inquisitor", I see you
      >took the hint from the  Brits and fixed the "West End"
      >dialog. The dubbing job was pretty well done.

     Once the error was brought to my attention, I just
couldn't let it slide.


Subj:  OffLine Readers              Section: Promenade Alpha
  To:  Carl Bussjaeger  Friday, December 29, 1995 9:30:17 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423108

     What the heck is HMI anyway?


Subj:  Talia/Control Nitpick  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski December 28, 1995 11:46:28 PM
From:  John Van Aken          #422723

Sorry, but I've got to bring this up:

Quote One:

<<     Because Talia could be replaced by another.  Individu-
als are always  expendable; best to let one mole get croaked
than compromise the whole  organization and a much bigger
agency or plan.  If it came to that choice, they'd  snuff
Talia in a hot second.  That's the spy biz.

     Whatever may have been happening on B5 at that time in
the story (Spider) is  nowhere NEAR as important as what was
going on back home at that time, and  has been going on for
some time.>>

Granted.  OTOH, Quote Two:

<<     Control was Talia.>>

Which set off the warning bells and sirens.

In "Spider in the Web", when the cyborg is checking in, the
computer identifies  Talia's picture, saying:

"Witness ID: Talia Winters.  Licensed Commerical Telepath,
Rating P5.
"Stand by."
"Control states Ms. Winters could jeapordize (sp) mission. 
Eliminate her.  Then  Continue with Phase Two"

~Which brings up some obvious questions/problems:

1) Given that Control is actually Talia, you're saying that
Control gave the  command to eliminate itself?  Isn't that a)
harsh (but so what?), b) rash (bringing  even *more* attention
to the ongoing mission - something that I had a problem  with
when I first saw the ep.), and c) premature (all other options
hadn't been  eliminated by a long shot - including the concept
of ignoring the issue  altogether).

2) The above implies that Control had little to know "control"
over what the Talia  personality did or thought, even though
strong implications were that it was  manipulating Talia to
get involved with Ivanova, spy on the others, etc.

3) There's also the timelag issue, in that it took very little
time for the computer to  get instructions from Control. 
Granted, she had just been dropped off in her  quarters by
Garibaldi...ah, never mind.  Weak point.

In toto, this whole thing hangs together much better if there
were another Control  out there giving the execution orders,
because I really have a hard time buying  the idea of 
Talia/Control committing suicide by giving the cyborg the
execution  order.  As it is, it seems like a plot hole of
nigh-Trekkian purportions. 

Talk me out of this one, Joe.


Subj:  Talia/Control Nitpick  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  John Van Aken    Friday, December 29, 1995 9:30:18 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423109

     My sense was that the Control part, which sometimes moved
at night,  reported that the mission could be jeapordized. 
Then B13 gave the order to  eliminate.  Nowhere does it say
that Control said the second half of the  sentence.


Subj:  Talia/Control Nitpick  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  John Van Aken    Tuesday, January 02, 1996 1:28:18 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424358

      {regarding referring to Control as "he"}

      You always refer to agents in the single "he" form to
avoid giving away  identities.

      That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Subj:  JMS: Pls Clarify --    Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Robt Martin      Friday, December 29, 1995 9:30:19 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423110

      <Quoting Robt Martin to JMS>:

      >At the time you posted this, I took this as an expres-
      >sion of your regard (or lack of  same) for the material
      >that Fangoria covers, not regarding my ability as an
      >editor.  Unfortunately, your semi-jocular observation
      >is being parenthetically interpreted  as a blast at my
      >abilities, for global distribution.
      >Regarding my work at Fangoria, despite the fact that
      >the magazine specializes in  covering some truly
      >gawdfawful films, I remain proud of the work that I did
      >there,  which only that magazine's regular readers are
      >in a position to judge. Given your  apparent distaste
      >for the magazine itself, I think I can safely assume
      >that you only  know of my work as editor with regard to
      >Sci-Fi Entertainment, specifically my  own interview
      >with you, and possibly also my earlier piece on John
      >Vulich's work.
      >As I said, maybe I am being thin-skinned, but to have
      >your words taken out of  context and interpreted in
      >this manner is, if not of any real harm to my career, 
      >really, really annoying. Can you please clarify the
      >If indeed you did mean to say that I am a lousy editor,
      >so be it, but that is not what  I thought you were
      >saying. Yet that is what is being sent about.

     No, the (regarding Mr. Martin's editing of Fangoria) was
mainly just intended  as a segue into the note about the
conventions being fun, since I've attended  several of them. 
I am not sufficiently familiar with your editing to *have* any
opinion whatsoever.  Since messages here are discreet, I
always try to keep  some kind of referential within the


Subj:  The Gathering          Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Gerald Himmelein Saturday, December 30, 1995 9:23:24 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423485

      <Quoting Gerald Himmelein to JMS>:

      >The "pleasure treshold" line was completely destroyed
      >in translation, btw. <sigh>

     Alas, there's nothing I can do at this end about the
translations; it's out of my  hands.


Subj:  JMS at Necrnomicon?    Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Mary-Glynn Myers Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:16:30 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423883

     Yes, at this point, barring any work-related emergencies,
I've confirmed for  Necronomicon.  I'm looking forward to it;
it'll be the first time I've been in Floida.


Subj:  JMS at Necrnomicon?    Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Richard P. Manny   Tuesday, January 02, 1996 3:35:07 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424585

      {regarding when Necronomicon is}

     October sometime.


Subj:  Tonight's repeat episode  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Rob Carr         Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:21 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423904

     Actually, from my perspective, it was never intended as
a shot at Christians at  all; it was a warning shot to any
breed of fanaticism that does not question itself,  that
assumes, for whatever reason, that it is right and must impose
that  rightness on others, no matter the price (usually paid
by others).  To quote a line  from "Infection," "When you
become obsessed with the enemy, you *become*  the enemy."  So
I guess you could describe it as a shot at Christianity only
if you  choose to define it in those terms; if not, then it's

     Certainly, though, it does point to being sure that one
is doing what one is  doing for the right reasons, and the sin
of pride, which we all know has a  tendency to goeth before a

     For me, one of the important things about this show is to
make people *think*  about what they believe.  If they come
right back to what they originally believed,  that's fine. 
But they've *considered why* they believe it.  In all too many
cases,  our beliefs -- social, political, religious -- are
just sort of *there*, invisible,  ineffable and unassailable,
as much a part of the universe as the air around us.   We
don't necessarily think WHY we believe it...we do.  Which is
why, all too often,  when someone is challenged on what they
believe, they don't have the tools to  defend it in any way
other than force or anger.  But if you *have* considered your 
beliefs, and you know why you feel a certain way, you can
articulate it, explain it,  and be more self-confident in it. 
It allows you to have discussions rathe than  arguments,
schisms, or border wars.

     Like I said, I don't have any answers...all I got are
some questions, but they're  pretty good questions.  Our
greatest peril is always the danger of the  unexamined life.

     Re: C.S. Lewis...yes, I've read his stuff, from the
Screwtape Letters (which are  great fun) to Perelandra and
That Hideous Strength and others, including some  of his
polemics and essays on christianity.  He was a good thinker
and a facile  writer...which was sometimes good, and sometimes
not so, because he had a  tendency to set up straw-man
arguments, which made for more persuasive  dogma but not
always reasonable discussion.

     And yes, I've read the bible cover to cover, twice.  Some
good moral tales, an  awful lot of blood and violence, some
real slow parts (anyone who can make it  all the way through
Numbers and Deuteronomy has my unbridled respect),  some real
potboilers, a few plot holes and an inconsistent hero, but
overall,  commendable reading.  (Though one could argue that
any number of later  writers did a better job of pure writing
than is present in the bible -- no  self-respecting writer
would stop the narrative so often for a few thousand begats 
and the discussion of cubits...well, except maybe for Herman
Mellville, who had  far too many asides on whaling technology
as parentheticals in Moby Dick...and  one should certainly
think that a deity would be at least a good a writer as 
Pynchon or Salinger or Joyce...still, there are spurts of
greatness; the book of Job  is possibly one of the best
stories ever written, and there's much in Psalms and  Proverbs
to commend itself to anyone...though best to keep the Song of 
Solomon out of the hands of kids...some racy stuff there....)


Subj:  Tonight's repeat episode  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Rob Carr         Monday, January 01, 1996 9:50:14 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424288

     BTW, if you're really looking for something around which
to base a sermon,  read Mark Twain's "The Man Who Corrupted
Hadleyburg," available in most of  his anthologies.  I think
the operative point will come through without my having to
spell it out here.


Subj:  Taking up your space   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Ray Pelzer       Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:22 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423905

      <Quoting Ray Pelzer to JMS>:

      >Joe:  Thanks for letting my take up so much space in
      >your section with this whole  USENET/CIS-censorship
      >issue.  I only considered that many people would read 
      >the nessage if it was in Section 5, but I didn't
      >consider the impact it was having on  B5-related
      >messages.  Now that the ball is rolling, I'm going to
      >move the  messages to Section 19, and thank you again
      >for your patience with me.

     No problem.


Subj:  $ to run B5            Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  mike lovitt      Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:44:27 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423907

     Yes, it's been established that the Minbari and the
Centauri both funded B5  early on, and docking fees and other
charges help pay for day to day operations.


Subj:  Official Fanclub       Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Keith R. Nelms   Sunday, December 31, 1995 10:45:01 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423908

      <Quoting Keith R. Helms to JMS>:

      >What can be done to convince WB there is a market for
      >widescreen B5 on  laserdisc?

      It would likely take nothing less than an absolute
revelation from the  heavens....


Subj:  Official Fanclub       Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Keith R. Nelms   Monday, January 01, 1996 7:15:14 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424181

      <Quoting Keith R. Helms to JMS>:

      >is there someone somewhere we can write, call, fax,
      >email, etc.?

     Nope, it's been tried, without success, so we may attempt
doing the videos  ourselves on a limited-edition basis.


Subj:  ST Book from J Friedmann  Section: Star Trek: General
  To:  paul wood        Monday, January 01, 1996 3:03:27 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423942

     At last count there were only a few copies of Ellison's
CITY ON THE EDGE OF  FOREVER limited-edition hardcover,
containing various versions of the script,  outlines, essays
by Nimoy and Takai and Koenig and Kelley and others.  You  can
order one by calling 1-800-528-3310.  They're $75 plus $5
shipping and  handling.  (And they're gorgeous, well-made
books, btw, well worth the money.)


Subj:  ST Book from J Friedmann  Section: Star Trek: General
  To:  GREG LASH        Monday, January 01, 1996 7:15:13 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424180

      <Quoting GREG LASH to JMS>:

      >I understand that the trade hardcover edition of THE
      >CITY ON THE  EDGE OF FOREVER has been cancelled. What's
      >up with that?

     Borderlands Press will not be doing the trade paperback
because it did not  have the final rights to do so, and other
problems during the production of the  book -- the high number
of typos and errors made that delayed the book's  publication
-- led to the rights being taken elsewhere.


Subj:  Upcoming:B5 Ep         Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Daniel M. Upton  Monday, January 01, 1996 7:15:17 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424183

      <Quoting Daniel M. Upton to JMS>:

      >Speaking of Trek/B5 crossovers did you notice that the
      >Star Fleet Admiral who is  apparently involved in a
      >conspiracy to take over the Federation government 
      >because it isn't taking the Founder/Gem Haddar threat
      >seriously enough is  played by the same actor who does
      >Gen. Hague?

      Yeah, I caught that, and the description in TV
Guide...y'know, this is really  starting to bug me....


Subj:  Upcoming:B5 Ep         Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Philip Hornsey   Tuesday, January 02, 1996 3:35:09 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424586

     "Imitation is the sincerest form of television."  Fred


Subj:  Bester PsiCorp Shadows ?  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Jeffrey Martino   Monday, January 01, 1996 9:43:10 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424280

     No, it wasn't Bester at the Senator's office.


Subj:  The Gathering: Garibaldi   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  SysOp Dupa T. Parrot     January 01, 1996 9:50:13 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424287

     No, it was intended to be chemically inoffensive...I
think the props folks just  put out drinks on the table and
didn't think too much about it.


Subj:  Hello!                 Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Neil Blevins     Monday, January 01, 1996 9:54:04 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424289

      <Quoting Neil Blevins to The Jawa/Jawa #2>

      >You're  a Jawa and not a Jawaette. Are there male
      >Jawas? I know so little about your  species.

     Jawanettes?  Jawaninas?  Jawanesses?  Jawarinas? 


Subj:  Last of the Dilgar ???   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Gerard Keating (Ireland) January 02, 1996 3:35:04 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424584

      <Quoting Gerard Keating to JMS>:

      >"Have we seen the last of the DeathWalkers race, The

     They're dead as doornails.


  S       P   P  O   O     I     L        E       R   R
  SSSSS   PPPPP  O   O     I     L        EEE     RRRRR
      S   P      O   O     I     L        E       R  R


  S       P   P  O   O     I     L        E       R   R
  SSSSS   PPPPP  O   O     I     L        EEE     RRRRR
      S   P      O   O     I     L        E       R  R


Subj:  East End, West End     Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Daniel Barer     Thursday, December 28, 1995 2:58:18 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #422370

      <Quoting Daniel Barer to JMS>:

      >I was watching "Comes the Inquisitor" with closed-
      >captioning on tonight (easier  to ride the exercise
      >bike while watching that way) and noticed that Sheridan
      >now  states (correctly) the murders occured in the East
      >End, while the captions (and  Boxleitner's lips, on re-
      >viewing) still say West End.  Glad you fixed the slip--
      >are the captions etched in stone?

     Y'know, I'd totally forgotten about the captions.



Subj:  Shadow Training        Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Michael Zitaglio Tuesday, December 26, 1995 10:35:12 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421902

      {regarding Rangers being trained to fight the Shadows}

     This is one of those questions that can only best be
answered in the course  of the series; you'll learn a lot more
about this subject this season.


Subj:  Shadow Training        Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Susan Law      Wednesday, December 27, 1995 4:32:28 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #421938

     Of course, judging from recent episodes, Sheridan seems
to have been a bit  remiss in continuing his lessons from
Kosh...ah, well, there'll probably be a price  to pay for that
somewhere down the road.  Only question is who'll have to pay


Subj:  Will Zathras reappear?    Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Gerald Himmelein    December 27, 1995 8:31:26 PM 
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #422229

     Yes, he'll appear; no, not before the two-parter; yes,
it'll be the same actor.


Subj:  Will Zathras reappear? Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Lolita  . Maddalena    December 28, 1995 2:58:17 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #422369

      <Quoting Lolita  . Maddalena to JMS>:

      >Tell me if I'm wrong, but Zathras has been on the
      >planet with the old mimbari,  hasn't he?

     Well, that's what Draal said earlier....


Subj:  Will Zathras reappear? Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Gerald Himmelein  Friday, December 29, 1995 9:16:15 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423103

      <Quoting Gerald Himmelein to JMS>:

      >Comment: Zathras looked somewhat bird-like, much like
      >an owl, a screech owl  (Kauz, in German). Now, Zathras
      >behaves like a "komischer Kauz" (oddball). So  his
      >behavior and appearance match, at least in German. <g>
      >Coincidence or  cleverness on the creator's part?

     Coincidence; I ain't that smart.


Subj:  Upcoming:B5 Ep         Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  JULIA            Monday, January 01, 1996 3:09:03 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #423943

      {Regarding Majel Barrett Roddenberry going back into 

      I'd just like to say that Majel did a great job for us
on B5, and we are hoping  we can come up with other opportuni-
ties for the character to return.  I know that  Majel is
interested in pursuing other acting gigs outside ST, and I
wish her all the  best.  I think other shows would do well to
utilize her abilities; everyone had a  great time working with
her, and she should be recognized for work other than  ST.

       Perhaps folks should let the producers of other shows
know that she's  available now, and interested, and that
they'd like to see her appear on other  shows from time to
time.  (Maybe someone could drop the folks at X-Files of 
Space a note in their forums....)


Subj:  From jms: info         Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Pat Russell      Tuesday, January 02, 1996 1:28:19 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424359

      <Quoting Pat Russell to JMS>:

      >Walter is doing a great job with Bester.  Understand we
      >will  see him again this season.  Looking forward to
      >it.  Tell him he does "rotten" well.   

     Yeah, Walter's doing a great job with it.  So far we're
going to see Bester twice  this season at least, which I'm
very happy about.


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