JMS CIS Digest: 01-Jan-96 06:07:53 through 02-Jan-96 18:31:45 (26 msgs)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Wed Jan 3 13:51:17 EST 1996


From: jhardin at (John Hardin)
Lines: 536

RFC 1153 Digest of messages from
J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
01-Jan-96 06:07:53 through 02-Jan-96 18:31:45 (26 messages)

WARNING: This digest may contain information about episodes
         you haven't seen yet. Proceed with caution.

Subjects in digest:
        Official Fanclub
        Upcoming:B5 Ep
        Bester PsiCorp Shadows ?
        The Gathering: Garibaldi
        Tonight's repeat episode
        Talia/Control Nitpick
        From jms: info
        Last of the Dilgar ???
        JMS at Necrnomicon?
        The One

  Contact me (John Hardin) at <jhardin at> with comments
and requests. I am willing to do limited retrieval and reposting
of files related to B5 from the archives on CIS.
  Replies to this digest currently go to me.



Date: 01-Jan-96 06:07:53
From: Keith R. Nelms <76174.3055 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Official Fanclub
Message-ID: #423965

jms --

kn> What would it take to get WB to release B5 on videodisc...

js> It would likely take nothing less than an absolute revelation
js> from the heavens....

Ahhhh.  A Kosh thing. Seriously, is there someone somewhere we can
write, call, fax, email, etc.?

Happy New Year. (Looking forward to your work in 1996.)



Date: 01-Jan-96 17:15:14
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Keith R. Nelms <76174.3055 at>
Subject: Official Fanclub
Message-ID: #424181
In-Reply-To: #423965

     Nope, it's been tried, without success, so we may attempt doing
the videos ourselves on a limited-edition basis.



Date: 01-Jan-96 09:53:36
From: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <76371.3057 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: B5Convention
Message-ID: #424031

        Off the topic:
        I have a friend who would like to know how long it took
to get the "Kosh scene" just right.
        (He's having CI$ problems.)

                  The Jawa
                  Kidism Patrol
                  1:09 PM,  Monday, January 01, 1996
                  "I don't know, Brain...there *is*
                   such a thing as overacessorizing."


Date: 01-Jan-96 17:15:16
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <76371.3057 at>
Subject: B5Convention
Message-ID: #424182
In-Reply-To: #424031

     It took, literally, months of trial and error, design and
redesign, which is why we did it as the last episode of that season.



Date: 01-Jan-96 10:55:25
From: Daniel M. Upton <75442.1331 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Upcoming:B5 Ep
Message-ID: #424047

Speaking of Trek/B5 crossovers did you notice that the Star Fleet
Admiral who is apparently involved in a conspiracy to take over
the Federation government because it isn't taking the Founder/Gem
Haddar threat seriously enough is played by the same actor who
does Gen. Hague?



Date: 01-Jan-96 17:15:17
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Daniel M. Upton <75442.1331 at>
Subject: Upcoming:B5 Ep
Message-ID: #424183
In-Reply-To: #424047

      Yeah, I caught that, and the description in TV Guide...y'know,
this is really starting to bug me....



Date: 01-Jan-96 12:01:50
From: Jeffrey Martino <73477.1506 at>
To: Anne L. Warner <71513.1177 at>
Subject: Bester PsiCorp Shadows ?
Message-ID: #424055


Thanks for the responses.  Are you all sure that was Bester at
the meeting in MOH ?  I seem to recall some blond PsiCop.



Date: 01-Jan-96 19:43:10
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Jeffrey Martino <73477.1506 at>
Subject: Bester PsiCorp Shadows ?
Message-ID: #424280
In-Reply-To: #424055

     No, it wasn't Bester at the Senator's office.



Date: 01-Jan-96 18:48:49
From: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <70040.104 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: The Gathering: Garibaldi
Message-ID: #424244


  I reviewed The Gathering again today. In the bar scene that
takes place after to vote to send Sinclair to the Vorlon home
world for trial, Garibaldi has a drink in front of him. That drink
does not look "chemically in-offensive." It even has an olive in

  Did the pilot take place before Garibaldi got a handle on his
drinking problem? Or does he like olives in his water? Or is this
just a "Whoops"?

        -Dupa T. Parrot [Tech Supp SysOp]
        <OS/2 WarpConnect & GCP>


Date: 01-Jan-96 19:50:13
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: SysOp Dupa T. Parrot <70040.104 at>
Subject: The Gathering: Garibaldi
Message-ID: #424287
In-Reply-To: #424244

     No, it was intended to be chemically inoffensive...I think the
props folks just put out drinks on the table and didn't think too much
about it.



Date: 01-Jan-96 18:53:26
From: Rob Carr <73200.2754 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Tonight's repeat episode
Message-ID: #424251

> Actually, from my perspective, it was never intended as a
> shot at Christians at all; it was a warning shot to any breed
> of fanaticism that does not question itself, that assumes, for
> whatever reason, that it is right and must impose that
> rightness on others, no matter the price (usually paid by
> others).  To quote a line from "Infection," "When you become
> obsessed with the enemy, you *become* the enemy."  So I guess
> you could describe it as a shot at Christianity only if you
> choose to define it in those terms; if not, then it's not.

Maybe it was just something I needed to hear.  My own church is
having some problems, and I volunteered to fill in some of the
gaps much above and beyond anything required of me.  I'm already
president of the deacons.  One of the dear elders, on hearing my
offer, rejected it outright, saying that "I wasn't even involved
in the church."  And this person served with me on a recent 
nominating committee.

Well, I could have gone into a glorious jihad, and there's some
part of me that would have had fun doing it.  With any luck, I
could tear the church apart in a month.

"I can save this church, and to prove it, I'll vaporize it!"

Strangely enough, this happened after the episode in question,
and I found myself asking if I really learned as much from the
episode as I had told you.

In some ways, it's a shame.  The plots and the one-liners are so
good, I'll have to save them for those novels I keep threatening
to write.

> For me, one of the important things about this show is to
> make people *think* about what they believe.

You succeeded, at least in my case.

> he had a tendency to set up straw-man arguments, which made
> for more persuasive dogma but not always reasonable discussion.

You noticed that, too, huh?  He's one of my all-time favorite
authors, but this is one of his flaws.

Numbers and Deuteronomy have their points, though.  Of course,
I've also sat down and read the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
for fun.

> one should certainly think that a deity would be at least a
> good a writer as Pynchon or Salinger or Joyce.

Yeah, but the Bible (for all I believe in it's inspiration) is an
incredibly human document.  That's what makes it such an
incredible book, even if you don't believe in God.



Date: 01-Jan-96 19:50:14
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Rob Carr <73200.2754 at>
Subject: Tonight's repeat episode
Message-ID: #424288
In-Reply-To: #424251

     BTW, if you're really looking for something around which to base
a sermon, read Mark Twain's "The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg,"
available in most of his anthologies.  I think the operative point will
come through without my having to spell it out here.



Date: 01-Jan-96 18:43:45
From: Neil Blevins <102226.3566 at>
To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <76371.3057 at>
Subject: Hello!
Message-ID: #424242

> SHUT...UP. Or the wrath of the Jawas will be upon you.<

Sorry, didn't mean to awaken the terrible wrath of the Jawas.
Hey, even Jawas need a significant other. Is the name Jawa a term
used for both genders? You're a Jawa and not a Jawaette. Are there
male Jawas? I know so little about your species.

- Neil


Date: 01-Jan-96 19:54:04
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Neil Blevins <102226.3566 at>
Subject: Hello!
Message-ID: #424289
In-Reply-To: #424242

     Jawanettes?  Jawaninas?  Jawanesses?  Jawarinas?  Jawanatrix?



Date: 01-Jan-96 21:37:27
From: John Van Aken <76712.1204 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Talia/Control Nitpick
Message-ID: #424322

<<     My sense was that the Control part, which sometimes moved
at night, reported that the mission could be jeapordized.  Then
B13 gave the order to eliminate.  Nowhere does it say that Control
said the second half of the sentence.>>

Finely sliced...but, then again, you're the Man.


PS: One last thing.  Any comment on B13 referring to Control as


Date: 01-Jan-96 23:28:18
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: John Van Aken <76712.1204 at>
Subject: Talia/Control Nitpick
Message-ID: #424358
In-Reply-To: #424322

      You always refer to agents in the single "he" form to avoid
giving away identities.

      That's my story and I'm sticking to it.



Date: 01-Jan-96 22:28:20
From: Pat Russell <72430.2341 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: From jms: info
Message-ID: #424335

1)  Broadcast info for Seattle, Tacoma, Everett Washington
market.  Shwo was being carried on KSTW-11 Thu at 8PM.  But that
became a CBS affiliate in Sept. So, after about a 1 month gap it
went to KTZZ-22 at 5PM Sun with a rerun during the day on Sat. 
Starting Jan 4 it will now be on Thu at 8PM with a rerun Sat at
10PM.  There has been no notice of any of this so the ratings have
not been what they should be.  With a little promotion I think
the ratings could come back.  BTW, KTZZ has a WB affiliation. 2) 
Just a plug, would like to see Talia back. 3)  Just another plug,
Walter is doing a great job with Bester.  Understand we will see
him again this season.  Looking forward to it.  Tell him he does 
"rotten" well.  Enjoyed him on the old Trek shows but like him
even better now.  Bet he is having a great time with the


Date: 01-Jan-96 23:28:19
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Pat Russell <72430.2341 at>
Subject: From jms: info
Message-ID: #424359
In-Reply-To: #424335

     Yeah, Walter's doing a great job with it.  So far we're going to
see Bester twice this season at least, which I'm very happy about.



Date: 02-Jan-96 03:38:29
From: Gerard Keating (Ireland) <71154.3423 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Last of the Dilgar ???
Message-ID: #424376


Myself and a few friends just watch "A Day in the Strife" over
the holiday period, and afterwards we came up with a question for

"Have we seen the last of the DeathWalkers race, The Dilgar?"


 Gerard Keating (Ireland)  02-Jan-96 @ 11:21:06 GMT


Date: 02-Jan-96 13:35:04
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Gerard Keating (Ireland) <71154.3423 at>
Subject: Last of the Dilgar ???
Message-ID: #424584
In-Reply-To: #424376

     They're dead as doornails.



Date: 02-Jan-96 09:28:06
From: Richard P. Manny <70762.141 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: JMS at Necrnomicon?
Message-ID: #424459

<< Yes, at this point, barring any work-related emergencies, I've
confirmed for Necronomicon.  I'm looking forward to it; it'll be
the first time I've been in Floida.>>

We look forward to having you visit.  Uh, when is Necronomicon?



Date: 02-Jan-96 13:35:07
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Richard P. Manny <70762.141 at>
Subject: JMS at Necrnomicon?
Message-ID: #424585
In-Reply-To: #424459

     October sometime.



Date: 02-Jan-96 10:52:32
From: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Upcoming:B5 Ep
Message-ID: #424485

>       Yeah, I caught that, and the description in TV
> Guide...y'know, this is really starting to bug me....

Imitation is the sincer...

AAAARRRGGG  <Phil dodges thrown shoe>

Phil^^^^ FREE MARS!


Date: 02-Jan-96 13:35:09
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101 at>
Subject: Upcoming:B5 Ep
Message-ID: #424586
In-Reply-To: #424485

     "Imitation is the sincerest form of television."  Fred Allen



Date: 02-Jan-96 15:15:18
From: Mark Koro <70252.3354 at>
To: Burhaan Ahmad <75754.3065 at>
Subject: The One
Message-ID: #424627


>> Smoke screen!  That's what I'm thinking.  I couldn't believe
the emphasis JMS put on the "Not the One" from Zathras!  Sure the
younger Sinclair isn't "The One", yet. <<

Exactly!  That was the whole *point* of having Zathras
hesitate, stare for a while, and then realize (the current)
Sinclair was not The One.  Zathras was almost fooled, but after
closer inspection of Sinclair's face, and remembering that the
future Sinclair (The One) warn him not to ge fooled, he said "not
The One" and clammed up.

But what if he saw the uniform and thought is was SHERIDAN, not
Sinclair? Maybe Sheridan is the "One" and Sinclair is something
different.  SHERIDAN has jurisdiction and use of Draal - not
Sinclair.  Weird thought:  Sheridan sends Zathras back in time via
the planet's resources and its Sinclair that has to clean up the
mess by going back from the future into the past.  I keep thinking
Sheridan is going to bite the dust on Z'haadum (sp?) and Sinclair 
will be left to finish the fight.   okay ... brain hurting .... 
must stop ....

Mark Koro


Date: 02-Jan-96 18:31:45
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Mark Koro <70252.3354 at>
Subject: The One
Message-ID: #424747
In-Reply-To: #424627're straying into concrete story ideas here....



End of JMS CIS Digest 01-Jan-96 06:07:53 through 02-Jan-96 18:31:45

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